Nandlall to represent family of man who died in Police lock-ups
Dead: Lallbachan Bachan
…to file for compensation, writes DPP requesting inquest to be held
Family of the late Lallbachan Bachan of Lot 21 Maria’s Lodge, Essequibo Coast, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam), who was found dead in the Suddie Police Station lock-ups, has obtained legal representation from Attorney-at-Law Anil Nandlall, who is in the process of filing for compensation for the death of the young father.
Nandlall, during a press conference on Friday at his South Road, Georgetown office, told members of the media that he also intends to write the Police Commissioner, Leslie James, requesting a full probe into the death of Bachan, who was arrested for allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol.
In addition, the family’s lawyer is expected to also write the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Shalimar Ali-Hack, requesting that an inquest be held into the death of the father of four.
Further, Nandlall argued that the Guyana Police Force (GPF) is responsible for the safety of persons in custody and must be answerable when such situations occur.
Moreover, he told this publication that it is illegal for relatives to be prevented by the Police from visiting their imprisoned family member.
“It’s an absolute abuse of power and absolute abuse of the constitutional rights of citizens of this country to deny access to them while they are in the lock-ups,” Nandlall noted.
“The law will determine what compensation (the family gets). You ask for an amount and you now have to prove that you are entitled to that. If you prove, for example, the Police are liable, right away you get a quantum and then you build on that,” he stressed.
Nandlall pointed out that Bachan was merely 39-years old and would have continued earning until the age of around 55 or 60.
“So you calculate how much he would have earned, then you have dependencies, he has two minor children, so somebody has to pay for that,” the Lawyer stated.
The attorney, on another note, pointed out that Bachan was not supposed to be in the lock-ups for that extended period.
The now dead man, according to his wife, Samantha Bachan, was arrested on June 12 for driving under the influence of alcohol. He was placed on $20,000 bail at the Suddie Police Station and was told to appear before the District Court on June 20.
The tearful woman recalled that when her husband appeared at the Court on the given date, the matter was postponed to June 28. He was, however, unable to attend Court on that date and a warrant was issued for his arrest.
She explained that on the said date, the Police visited their home, where they allegedly dragged him into the van and transported him to the Police station.
The widow said her mother-in-law took dinner for him later in the evening but was prevented by the Police from visiting him.
In fact, relatives were even told that Bachan “has to bear his punishment”.
The father of four, after hearing this, cried out to his mom, telling her he was in pain and was feeling dizzy, but the Police denied his request to visit a doctor.
On June 28, his mom took breakfast for her son but was again turned away by the Police for the entire day. The following day, the widow said she was finally granted permission to see her husband who enquired about his kids and complained again of feeling unwell.
On the afternoon of June 30, Bachan said her mother-in-law went to visit him but was turned away once again.
On July 1, she recounted that as the family was preparing to visit the Police station, they received news that he had died.
As the widow wiped away her tears and spoke through a shaky voice, she explained that she rushed to the Suddie Public Hospital where she observed her husband bleeding from his head, which was also swollen. This left them to believe that the man was beaten.
After the incident, Police, in a release to the media, said that the man’s body bore no marks of violence. Contrary to this, the family had photographic images showing what appeared to be marks of violence.
The Police also said that Bachan was the lone prisoner in the cell. A Post-Mortem Examination conducted by Dr Nehaul Singh on the man’s body gave the cause of death as asphyxiation – something the family found suspicious.
Bachan’s wife said she found it strange that not only was a Post-Mortem conducted on the same day of her husband’s death, but on a holiday. Bachan, a former ambulance driver at the Suddie Public Hospital, leaves his wife and children to mourn. (Davina Ramdass)
Family members of the late Lallbachan Bachan with their Lawyer, Anil Nandlall