Narine cops Champion Cyclist Award at Flying Ace Cycling ceremony

– Trophy Stall rewards Coach Roberts
After a brilliant show in 2019 riding for the Flying Ace Cycling Club (FACC), champion cyclist Balram Narine copped the Champion Cyclist Award at the 21st annual FACC award ceremony which was held on Saturday last at the New Amsterdam Town Hall. In addition to Narine’s award, Trophy Stall recognised Coach Randolph Roberts for his outstanding services in the cycling arena.

FACC awardees and New Amsterdam Mayor Wayne McIntosh

Guyana’s 2019 juvenile champion, Mario Washington, won the juvenile award, while Jeremiah Joseph was the runner-up cyclist in that class. In the junior category, Ralph Seenarine topped the charts. Aaron Rajnarine was the outstanding 12-14 cyclist, while Shazim Yacoob was the second runner-up. Raj Mootoo was the third runner-up and Sachin Karan was the fourth runner-up in the 12-14 category.

Coach Randolph Roberts and champion cyclist Balram Narine receiving their award

Esan Blair was the youngest cyclist; he copped the award for the 4-6 BMX rider. The veteran cyclist, Ridgy, was also awarded for his performances in 2019. Meanwhile, Coach Roberts, who has been in cycling for over 32 years, thanked Trophy Stall for recognising his work. Speaking at the ceremony, New Amsterdam Deputy Mayor Wayne McIntosh encouraged the cyclists to remain disciplined and keep making their parents proud. He also stated that the New Amsterdam Municipality will remain on board in cycling.
“To the awardees, you are moving ahead in the right direction, physical education and sports have a direct correlation to academic success and personal interest and growth. Once you keep working, nothing is impossible; once you can conceive it, you will achieve it,” McIntosh echoed.
Besides Sentinel Security, the FACC has received assistance from Berbice Cricket Board (BCB) President Hilbert Foster, Trophy Stall, Ralph Felix, Eureka Labs, Senior Counsel Mursaline Bacchus, Pearl Arokium of the Arokium Funeral Parlour, and Romona Persaud, among others. (Brandon Corlette)