The Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) will be ushering in the auspicious festival of Diwali by the lighting of the National Diya on Sunday at Rahaman’s Park intersection, Houston. This is the 8th year for this initiative.
The aim of the National Diya- Lighting is to promote, preserve and spread awareness of oneness and national unity. The period of Diwali is one of the most festive times in the Hindu calendar, which means the row of lights.
This year, the theme for HSS National Diya is “spreading light through selfless service”, comparable with our motto, “We achieve by our own effort”.
Over the past eight years, HSS has successfully hosted this event with a unique and spectacular display of the lighting of the National Diya, and this year is expected to be just as grand.
There will also be a cultural evening of dances and music to portray the significance of Diwali. No festival is complete without some sumptuous food, and invitees would be treated to delicious sweetmeats and tokens.
This event will commence at 18:30h and conclude at 20:00h. The public is invited to this grand event. Entry is free.