National Sports Awards to return on January 29

Flashback! The last National Sports Awards were held in 2019 for the year 2018

Guyana’s national athletes have been starved of proper recognition for a few years now. This will soon change, however, with the return of the National Sports Awards at the end of this month.
This highly-anticipated event which serves to recognize athletes, officials and organisations across Guyana for their stellar performances and contributions to sport will make a grand return on Sunday, January 29, at the National Cultural Center in Georgetown.
This disclosure was made on Wednesday afternoon, January 4, by Culture, Youth and Sport Minister Charles Ramson Jr., who further disclosed that consideration for the awardees would span 2021 and 2022.
In explaining the urgency of hosting the awards, Ramson noted that Guyana’s steady post-pandemic progression in sport has played a huge role in this regard.
“It’s been two years since we’ve had the awards, mostly because of COVID; in fact, really because of COVID, and we had a pretty successful year coming out of COVID. We’ve been one of the countries that, I think, have really progressed our sport activity as early as possible. In fact, we recognise that as one of the ways in which we can combat COVID, and the Ministry has been doing a lot of aggressive work to get folks back into activity,” the Sport Minister divulged on Wednesday. He added, “With a successful year, everyone has to be recognized.”
The Sport Minister has detailed the importance of rewarding the country’s athletes. “It’s important that people are recognised, and it’s important that everybody that’s involved in sport, that they’re recognised. So, the Sports Awards (activity) is something that has existed for a long time, and there’s a reason why it existed for a long time: it always makes sense,” Ramson Jr has said.
The National Sports Conference will be hosted one day before the Sport Awards activity is held on Saturday, January 28, 2023 at the same venue.