Nedd hopes Bolivia tour boosts ladies overseas credentials

National Volleyball Coach Levi Nedd wants the upcoming Bolivia Invitational to be used in particularity by the newbie ladies; as a stepping stone towards rebuilding a strong women’s team.
Nedd told Guyana Times Sport on Friday that he was bent on restoring a high-level of competition among the ladies in Guyana and believes that the upcoming tour which spikes off on May 26.
The coach sighted the competition as the likely kick-start the women need in order to forge a strong senior team for the future. “It is very crucial for gelling purposes, game communication, knowing what should happen, when and the whole international outlook”.

National Volleyball Coach Levi Nedd

While the selectors recently shortlisted some 16 males and 15 females, Nedd is adamant that while the males, given their international experience should do well; he is backing the women who have been showing some fire, to perform equally.
“It is yet to be deciphered on their performance; however, it is felt that some rigorous training should be the key to achieving optimal participation and performance from them (ladies)”.
Guyana’s participation will be important for the nature of their fraternity, as they are multiple time champs in the Inter-Guiana Games (IGG) played annually.
With Guyana’s reputation internationally being a good one in the recent years, Nedd was still weary of the possible threats from rival South American teams who will be participating in the competition.
“It must be noted that we are in the big league, the South American zone is no easy walk over. Track records show that so many things and demands can change, should we win”.
He continued, “As to the IGG that is somewhat different, the players were engaged in a macro cycle training and should be more prepared to deliver”.
Meanwhile, players will continue training weekly in Georgetown at the National Gymnasium and in Berbice, with final selection set for the next few weeks.
(Clifton Ross)