…or old scam?
To say that Angelique Parisot-Potter’s revelations about the “Massey management training program” were “shocking” would be a gross understatement!! Now, this was no fly-by-night disgruntled employee getting in their licks for being overlooked!! Angeligue was not only a pedigreed French-Creole favoured by TT’s corporate elite, she was qualified enough to be Massy’s Exec VP for Business Integrity, and was the Group’s General Counsel!!
So, what exactly did Angelique say in the 13-page memo she read to the 100th AGM of the Caribbean powerhouse that shocked their sensibilities – and earned her a summary suspension and leave?? “In the midst of a foreign exchange crisis, Massy cannot be spending scarce resources on highly dubious activities…”
The “resources” meant paying US$500,000 to US$1 million ANNUALLY to a management motivation company in Fort Myers, Florida. And the “dubious activities” included “training executives to communicate with the dead, or healing with ‘white light’!!
Now, your Eyewitness knows most service corporations have a dim view of customers; but surely, not seeing them as walking dead that gotta be communicated with!! What the heck kinda training was this?? The union representing most of Massy’s ordinary workers wanted to know why, “in this era of modern technology, Massy allegedly engaged in activities which delve into the dark world of occultism.” The Board, however, was concerned that Angelique would make “public disclosures on a matter that is confidential to the company”!!
Well, Massy’s President and CEO didn’t see any problem with the training – even though he denied the communicating with the dead and healing with white light accusations. Said he, “We think a part of our secret at Massy is that we’re willing to do this kind of work as leaders. It’s the kind of work that we have done that allows us to have the results the company shows. That is because culture eats strategy for breakfast.”
Your Eyewitness has no problem in general with that assertion, but the question is, “Which culture??” The CEO boasted about Massy’s business success, but shouldn’t we be concerned that such success might be due to practising NECROMANCY – communicating with the dead, especially in order to predict the future??
So, your Eyewitness decided to check out the training company – Delphi Sphere Consulting. Owners Paul and Indira Dyal-Dominguez claim to harness “Human Being Energies for Executives: “It’s about developing a dimension of you which we all have called the “intuitive you.” Reliably tapping into the “intuitive you” would add a new trusted tool in making business and personal decisions that have proven to be invaluable. We refer to this dimension of you as your “Self.”
So, was Indira just teaching Yoga to the Massy Execs on behalf of Paul?? Scary!!
In this era, we’ve learnt that the energy business ain’t just about energy. It’s also about the effects of the production of that energy to run our brave new world for the last two centuries – by burning fossil fuels. We’ve learnt that while our standards of living have skyrocketed on the whole, fossil fuels have also produced carbon dioxide, that’s caused our planet to warm up so much that we’re in danger of making all life on earth extinct!!
But there are fossil fuels and there are fossil fuels. So, while heavy oils produce tons of carbon dioxide, natural gas produces much less. So, if you gotta burn fossil fuels – while we transition to renewable non-carbon dioxide forms, like solar and water energy – then it makes sense to burn natural gas, innit?? Well, it looks like we have the best of both worlds: along with our LIGHT oil, we have associated natural gas – which we wanna use to generate power at Wales.
So, shouldn’t the critics support the project??
Looking at the traffic – such as it is – your Eyewitness is wondering when we’ll have those flying cars they’ve been promising for decades. Surely, they’ll reduce the two hours it takes to move from Camp to Water St, no?!!