New Board Directors appointed at Ruimveldt Lions Club

As the new fiscal year begins in July for the Ruimveldt Lions Club, a new Board of Directors, who were elected, were welcomed last Saturday to their newly appointed positions during an installation ceremony and dinner meeting at their den in Festival City, North Ruimveldt. These Directors are now tasked with overseeing the management of the club.

From right: Past District Governor, Lion Sean Noel handing over the gavel, a symbol of the President’s authority, to Lion Daryl Adams, the newly installed President

At the ceremony, Lion Adams, an anaesthetist by profession, was presented with the symbolic gavel, as he was elected President of the club, along with Debbie-Ann Thompson filling the crucial role of Club Secretary.
During his acceptance speech, Daryl Adams noted that the motto for the year will be “Progress through shared vision, commitment and active participation”, which places much emphasis on more meaningful community projects, and recruitment of younger members to ensure the viability of the club in its future.
In addition to the auspicious installation ceremony, the Leo Club of Ruimveldt (a sponsored youth project of the Lions Club) also held its installation ceremony which saw medical technologist, Shamar Khan accepting the leadership for the group, and the introduction of new members to the youth project.
Being in existence for more than forty years, the Ruimveldt Lions Club is a part of a larger network of the world’s largest service organisation that is Lions Clubs International.
Lions clubs, wherever they exist, function under the motto, “We Serve”, as the organisation seeks to aid in the upliftment of the less fortunate in society.