New Commander pledges tactic to reduce crime in Berbice

Newly appointed Police Commander of Berbice – B Division – Clifton Hicken plans to implement strategies to further reduce crime in Berbice and to foster a better relationship between Police and the community.
The Assistant Commissioner, who recently took up the new post, has already started to paint a different picture of the Police in Berbice, one which many have welcomed.
Hicken, who has been at the helm of Berbice unit previously, on Friday said that one of his main focuses will be the establishment of a stronger and more productive operational policing strategy in his Division. In addition, training of Police Officers and greater involvement of the Community Police Groups will soon be implemented in the Division.
“It is very important that members of the public have access to the leadership of the Division, because we can militate against anything that is escalated,” he told

Assistant Commissioner Clifton Hicken meeting with venders in the New Amsterdam Market on Friday

the media on Friday.
The Assistant Commissioner who also met with sections on the business community and persons in the market where he promised greater Police presence, adding that that under his watch there will be an open-door policy which will allows members of the public to have access to himself and senior officers. These include station sergeants.
“I will be dealing with the youths for their development is critical to me,” the Commander said, even as he recounted his involvement in that community during a previous tour of duty. Meanwhile, Deputy Commander Superintendent Wayne Dehart, who has responsibility for operations, has noted that among the strategies to be improved on will be Police patrols in Angoys Avenue.
Angoys Avenue is often referred to as a haven for criminals.