Home Letters New electoral list scandal warrants fraud investigations
Dear Editor,
Under Lowenfield’s watch, the voters’ list is apparently in a bigger mess than we thought. They said 6500 names on the new House-to-House list cannot be found. If the cross-matching by Gemalto was flawed, did they get paid?
Notwithstanding all this mess, Chair Singh thinks Lowenfield needs a renewal of contract. Singh has not reported on the fraud investigations at GECOM with those overpriced cutting pliers and nonfunctioning radios. No heads have been rolled for false information put in the Official Gazette. And Singh continues to be largely silent.
GECOM has spent billions that could have gone for better pay for sugar workers or for building roads, and we are nowhere near to getting a clean, proper list. Granger’s claim about 200,000 improper names on the list to justify the delaying tactic of a new House-to-House Registration turned out to be a big lie.
Now, Lowenfield has lots of explaining to do. How is it that a current list can have empty house lots where the new registrants should have been living? Which enumerators registered those names at those empty lots? Lowenfield should be able to trace who turned in those forms and fraud charges should be brought. How can so many people on the expensive House-to-House Registration list (without PPP scrutineers) vanish so quickly? Were they valid names to start with or did Congress Place make a list? It explains why Alexander supported verification of only a sample, not the whole list.
The nation is weary of all these shenanigans facilitated by GECOM and yet the incompetent get new contracts. GECOM’s tricks and general incompetence have led to the PNC staying a year beyond their time and giving us an illegal caretaker Government pretending as if the Government had not fallen as a result of the No-Confidence Motion.
The new PPP Government must disband the GECOM as is, fire the incompetents, and create new structures for elections. GECOM has tried the patience of the nation. And Chair Singh has been a big disappointment to put it mildly. When will all this nonsense end?
Jerry Singh