NEW GPC INC over the weekend launched several new and innovative products at GuyExpo 2016 which will definitely contribute positively to the overall development of the country’s health sector while boosting the health and well-being of all Guyanese.
Some of the new and reformulated products displayed at this year’s GuyExpo include Children’s Phanadyl Multi symptom Cold and Flu, BabyCare Gripe Water and VitonePlus Multivitamin.
A consumer inspecting Children’s Phanadyl at the NEW GPC boothPasserby inspects Whisper Mouth Wash at the NEW GPC booth
Persons visiting the Expo also got the opportunity to see NEW GPC’s Xcite (Sildenafil Citrate) tablets which have been generating a lot of interest in the local and international markets.
Xcite is NEW GPC’s brand of performance enhancers which come in 25mg, 50mg and 100mg strengths and are used to treat erectile dysfunction.
These products complement the already established line of products and bring the company’s product portfolio closer to 300.
Patrons visiting the booth also spoke highly of the Bio-Klenz – an expanding line of hand sanitisers; Shoo insect repellent – which is assuming added importance since the Zika threat; Chlorophan Expectorant and Syrup, custom packaged for and widely used by the Ministry of Public Health and the wide range of prescription tablets.
In an invited comment, the Marketing Manager, Trevor Bassoo disclosed that several other products would be launched on both the local and overseas markets in the coming months.
He explained that consumers can expect extensions to popular brands like Whizz, Phanadyl and Nutrophos. In the case of Whizz, which is popular in Caricom States, the company would soon release several versions that specifically treat migraines, arthritis, tension headaches, and sinus and allergies.
“The new Whizz formulations are without Aspirin and likewise some of the new tonics are sugar/alcohol free and are, therefore, safe for use by diabetics and young children. NEW GPC also has new classes of prescription/therapeutic medicines under development that target chronic and emerging conditions. Examples are Atorvastain – (cholesterol); naproxen (pain and anti-inflammatory) and clopidogrel – (prevent blood clots)”, he said.
Over the last few years, NEW GPC has started to rapidly extend its range by manufacturing Captopril (hypertension); Omprezole (gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD); Diclofenac (anti-inflammatory); Ciprofloxacin (antibiotic); Nystatin (anti-fungal); Neomycin and Bacitracin (antibiotic) and Ketoconazole (anti-fungal) just to name a few.
All of the company’s products are manufactured under strict approval of the Government Analyst Food and Drug Department and the plant is compliant with US Food and Department Agency regulations.