A one-day dialogue on the new model to access grants from Global Fund was conducted on Thursday at the Regency Hotel, Hadfield Street, Georgetown.

The event was organised by the Public Health Ministry and the Guyana Global Fund-Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM), and attracted representatives from the Private and Public Sectors, civil society, academia and from the network of key affected populations, including women’s organisations.
The dialogue is aimed at strengthening stakeholders’ knowledge of the series of reform in the funding mechanism, including the introduction of a more flexible funding system and allowing countries to apply for Global Fund grants at a period that is synchronised with their national budget cycle and needs, a release from the Government Information Agency (GINA) stated.
Minister within the Education Ministry, Nicolette Henry, in her address to the gathering, noted that Guyana has come a far way in dealing with HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria over the past decade.
Henry, who also serves as chairperson of the CCM, said with support from Global Fund and Government’s other partners and stakeholders, many lives have been saved and transformed.
Speaking specifically to the support the country would have received over the years from Global Fund, Henry said Government is very appreciative. Further, she said that Government has been assured of continued funding to help fight against HIV, TB and malaria.
She added that Government is “very thankful for the commitment made by this entity in helping to build resilient and sustainable health systems that offer quality healthcare services for the Guyanese people.”
The Minister pointed out that without a fully funded Global Fund, the shared dream of universal access to HIV treatment, care and support could become a nightmare, putting the lives of millions of people currently on treatment in jeopardy, and millions of pregnant women in a position where they would not be able to protect their unborn babies from becoming infected.
Global Fund grants have been used to reduce the largest causes of mortality among women and children globally. Henry said that the hope is that this commitment from Global Fund continues so that the Sustainable Development Goals adopted in 2015 to end the HIV epidemic, TB and malaria by 2030 will be achieved.
Henry assured that Government will continue to partner with all stakeholders to help the HIV Country Dialogue achieve its objectives. “There are many challenges ahead, but if we all work together we will be able to surmount those challenges, thus bringing to an end the HIV/AIDS epidemic and building a resilient and sustainable health system that offers quality healthcare services for all Guyanese,” the Minister said.
After allegations that recipient countries misused donor funds and the global recession led to decreased contributions from donor countries, the Global Fund was forced to suspend new investments in 2011. With the Fund’s survival uncertain, a year-long transition process took place to conceptualise a new and improved funding model to restore donor confidence.
In November 2012, the Global Fund officially adopted a new funding model, premised on the goal to invest more strategically. This new approach changes the way countries apply for funding, obtain approval of their proposals and manage their grants. It also presented an opportunity for the Fund to scale up its commitment to promote and protect human rights.
Coordinator, Guyana Global Fund – Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM), Maria Miles, said that the new funding model allows for a differentiation application process, that provides for flexible and tailored funding request “which are the right size to match the needs and context of a country.”
Miles said that the differentiation application process also ensures that greater time is spent implementing grant to save lives. Miles explained that there are three different approaches; programme continuation, a tailored review (which includes challenging operating environment, transition, national strategic pilot or material programme) and a full review. Global Fund is a 21st century financing partnership organisation that is designed to accelerate the end of HIV, TB and malaria. Founded in 2002, Global Fund is a partnership between governments, civil society, Private Sector and the people affected by the diseases. Global Fund raises and invests nearly $4 billion each year to support programmes run by local experts in the countries and communities that are most in need.