New parenting manual fosters non-violent methods of discipline

…parents to be supported in overcoming personal dysfunction

In another important step to better aid the development of children across the country, the Human Services and Social Security Ministry launched a special parenting programme facilitator’s manual.
It was compiled within the Child Care and Protection Agency with support from other agencies and spearheaded by former Director, Ann Greene and Senior Probation and Social Services Officer, Sherri-Ann Vandeyar-Francois. Parents will be exposed to knowledge of child development and non-violent methods of discipline and assistance to overcome personal dysfunction that are affecting their parenting role.
Speaking on the importance of this manual, Human Services and Social Security Minister, Dr Vindhya Persaud expressed her optimism of the manual complimenting other initiatives of the Ministry.
“The special parenting manual is an excellent investment by the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security. I am very happy this manual could be launched right now because the “Every Child Safe” campaign could be rolled out across the country and this is an important component where we would be focusing on the parents and helping to navigate the challenges of parenting,” Minister Persaud said.
She added, “Before working with parents, there would be a massive training of trainers’ exercise so that all communities across the country would be able to help the Ministry of Human Services to roll out the parenting manual. I look forward for persons coming on board, wanting to work with us as trainers and I look forward to a time when parents can breathe a sigh of relief because there is that kind of support that will help them deal with all kinds of situations that can be considered modern in the sense of difficulties and challenges, so it is that kind of comprehensive manual.”
CC&PA Assistant Director, Levine Gouveia noted that this parenting manual is one that is needed and awareness is paramount as it looks to create a holistic environment that caters for their social and emotional development.
“There is a generation gap between the parents, grandparents, caregivers and children. Hence there is the need to bridge those gaps through parenting. This training will help parents to improve parenting skills since the way those adults were raised will be the very way they raise their children,” Gouveia said.
The Deputy Director related that sessions will be held at the community level to help eradicate child abuse and help family units to function better.
Vandeyar-Francois commented, “CPA has recognised that parenting training is essential for parents since family disfunction continues to be high, creating serious vulnerability for children that warrants their separation from the family. The parenting training programme is a preventative one which aims at providing capacity building for couples or single parents to improve their social functioning and parenting skills to enable them to provide effective care for their children.” (G12)