A new Police Prosecutor was on Friday assigned to lead the case against former Public Service Minister Jennifer Westford and her personal secretary Margaret Cummings, both of whom are charged with multiple
counts of fraud.
Both Westford and Cummings made their appearance before City Magistrate Judy Latchman at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.
Prosecutor Tashanna Lake was assigned to be the new prosecutor.
The court was informed that the outstanding statements to be presented to the defence council will be handed over when the case is called again on August 11, 2016.
At their last court appearance the matter, which was to commence, had to be postponed after attorney Neil Boston, a member of Westford and Cummings defence team, informed the court that the statements from a witness was not made available to them.
He claimed that his team would not be able to effectively function in their capacity to defend Westford and Cummings. He further made an application for continuance in order for the statements to be made available to them.
This application was supported by Neville Jeffers, who was prosecuting the case, after which it was granted by
Magistrate Latchman.
In total, 24 charges of fraud have been brought against both Westford and Cummings.