… same (PNC) plot
The calls for some sort of “unity government” are coming fast and furious. While some of the proponents may be well-meaning sorts, they’ve been recently joined by others who’re firmly in the over-my-dead-body camp within the bowels of the PNC. What gives? Have they seen some empyrean light? Or did they hear a booming voice from the skies while on the road to Congress Place??
While couched in the same language – justifying their proposals as delivering Moore’s Utopia to our dear land of Guyana –- the PNCite versions have one significant difference that exposes them as being full of excreta. They insist than in any “unity government”, David Granger must be the President!! This reveals at least two things – one, that they finally recognise after all their bobbing and weaving and running, “daylight catch dem”. The rigging gig is up!!
But it also reveals that these jokers still take Guyanese for simpletons. If they’re conceding that Granger lost the elections – which the rest of the world knew since the Mingoing of SOPs started on March 4th – what on earth could be the justification for handing the presidency to Granger?? He’s been whupped fair and square in one of the most peaceful elections in the history of our country. It’s not an argument from numbers.
So, is there a moral reason?? Surely not because of any moral claims Granger can make – even though he had the temerity to run on a “honesty, integrity and dignity” platform. His performance since the NCM of Dec 21, 2018 has been one of the sleaziest since Ursula’s in Disney’s “The Little Mermaid”!! Imagine getting all those calluses on his knees from bowing in Church, then conniving to have the votes of the Guyanese people Mingoed on High Street. Hypocrite!!
But maybe because Nagamootoo came out of the PPP, they believe the PPP are as vacuous as him to go into any kind of power sharing with Granger? This is a man who actually signed an agreement to give Nagamootoo a Prime Ministership on steroids – to bring over the AFC’s Indian-Guyanese constituency – then welshed the moment he got into office!! If Guyanese needed any insight into Granger’s mindset about power – all they have to do is review his relationship with the AFC and the small parties that gave the PNC power in APNU.
Granger is a devout devotee of Burnham, who openly declared he didn’t care what agreements he signed – whether a constitution or a coalition codicil – once he got power – here the presidency – he could do whatever he wanted.
As in 1964 with the UF so with the AFC since 2015. Gwan da side with Granger!!
…same delay
An example of Granger’s deviousness was exposed when he nixed Nagamootoo’s directive – as head of the COVID-19 task force – that the Caricom observers would have to be quarantined. And for good measure that the counting could go on for another hour till 6pm. We’ve had five years to see Nagamootoo in action (so to speak) and we all know he wouldn’t even sneeze without Granger’s permission.
Granger’s reputation is in tatters and he obviously wanted to ride up on a white horse with his white hat to “rescue” the damsel-in-distress Claudette on the recount. He had Nagamootoo to play the heavy – for which he certainly has the character and looks!!
Anyhow there are still any number of arrows in Granger’s rigging quiver. The Chair claimed she didn’t want more than 10 counting stations because she ‘wanted to guarantee the safety of the Caricom observers”. What the heck does this mean?? Is she saying that the Convention Centre wouldn’t accommodate more stations?
Could she display that on a plan of the building? Of course, she can’t.