New sheriff …in town

The last time an American Secty of State flew into GT was back in Sept 2020 – right after Pres Ali was finally allowed to assume the Presidency he’d won all the way back in March. Yep…big Mike Pompeo had come down to South America to rally the countries around Venezuela: Guyana, Suriname and Brazil, to get with the Trump 1 programme to get rid of murderous Mad Maduro – via their support then of Guiado.
Earlier, before he was voted out, Granger had refused the Yanks’ request that a radio station be set up here to beam anti-Maduro messages into Venezuela. Some believe he’d thereby signed his political death warrant!!
That had always struck your Eyewitness as a pretty stupid move by a military man who’d attended so many military training courses in the States!! As one of Burnham’s protégés, to keep the army from overthrowing his sorry a55, Granger should’ve known that, in these matters, “knock gat knock back!!” And he got knocked back all the way to Pearl, where he’s still flat on his back!!
The GHRA had backed Granger down the line, that for us to “get caught in the middle of the dispute between Venezuela and the U.S. would be politically absurd”!! Never mind that Maduro had already threatened our oil exploration and issued decrees to claim our waters!! Treason!!
And now Pompeo’s successor in Trump 2, Marco Rubio, will be coming to town this Wednesday. Since 2020, the oil that had started flowing has grown into a gusher, spewing 650,000 boe daily – and headed to a million!! Mad Maduro’s Venezuelan sabre-rattling, however, has also grown exponentially, and your Eyewitness hopes that Rubio – of Cuban heritage from Florida, and virulently anti- communist and so anti-Maduro – will be discussing new plans for getting the tyrant out of his behind!!
There are some Caribbean leaders who’re all hot and bothered – and with their drawers in a knot – about the US claim that much of the Cuban Medical Brigade program is tantamount to “human trafficking”, and that enablers would be visa-sanctioned. But the Yanks have stated clearly that if the programs can be shown to have no money going to the Cuban Government, and the medical personnel’s salaries are comparable to locals’ – like here in Guyana – then there’s no problem!!! What our Government should do is to have a delegation of Cuban medical personnel meet with Rubio and give him the lowdown. Most of them have become Guyanese citizens!!!
Anyhow, with Rubio here, maybe the Opposition can also be given the opportunity to complain to him that it’s the PPP who’re twisting the American ICE to jail Melly Mell!!
Rubio can then report that to Trump!! Zelenskyy 2??

…old politics
Your Eyewitness is kinda flummoxed by the Opposition’s bitchin’ and moanin’ about the Government’s use of “One Guyana” as a slogan. What do they want, “One People; One Nation; One Destiny”?!! But if we’re one people; one nation with one destiny, livin’ in Guyana – aren’t we then “One Guyana”?? Jeez…it’s just a more succinct way of sayin’ the same thing!!
But that’s the problem with havin’ an opposition, innit?? They feel compelled to oppose each and every thing that comes from “the other side” – even when it makes them look and sound ridiculous – and even treasonous!
Take, for instance, the AFC’s reaction to the Govt’s stance on the border controversy. The AFC leader claimed that the “PPPC as a government has proven time and time again that it has no stomach for a fight with Venezuela”!!
Ever since the Venezuelans created the controversy in 1962, the Opposition was always as one with the Govt on the issue – even when the PNC was rigging elections.
And now this!!

…new resolve
Pressie is taking to heart the maxim, “Fool me once – shame on you; fool me twice – shame on me”!! He allowed Mad Maduro to fool him once about peace at Argyle. But this time, no meeting!!