Nigel Hughes seems to want to have his cake and eat it too

Dear Editor,
I offer my congratulations to Nigel Hughes, the newly elected political Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC) party.
Mr Hughes has, however, immediately disqualified himself from contesting for the Presidency of Guyana at the forthcoming General and Regional Elections, or for any other political national leadership post, by declaring that he cannot comment on any matter involving ExxonMobil Guyana, which happens to be a client of his law firm; and worse, by his own admission, that a number of other oil companies operating in the oil and gas industry of Guyana are clients of his law firm.
Nigel Hughes has tied his own tongue from speaking on any matter regarding Exxon’s role and function in Guyana’s oil and gas industry, other than that which he is paid to do on behalf of Exxon. Mr Hughes is reported by Demerara Waves as arguing that the issue of his representing ExxonMobil “only arises if and when I become President or acquire a position of power; because then I am in a position to influence government policy”.
Not so, Mr Hughes, because by being unable to independently address any matter on the oil and gas industry on behalf of, or representing the people of Guyana, you are in an inexcusable and inescapable conflict of interest.
Mr Hughes even unbelievably goes on to argue that, if elected as President, he would isolate himself from any decision in relation to oil and gas. Then may I ask: why would any Guyanese in his or her right mind vote for a Presidential candidate who disqualifies himself from directly addressing matters concerning the one major industry from which the country’s financial resources are found and economic future is based?
Mr Hughes is most certainly among Guyana’s most respected and successful lawyers. In court I would rather have him on my side than against me, but in politics, Nigel Hughes seems to want to have his cake and eat it.

Yours sincerely,
Kit Nascimento