Home Letters NIS injustices to contributors are heart-rending
Dear Editor,
The GAWU was disheartened when it read Mr Rudolph Singh’s letter titled “Worked 35 years at GuySuCo but got no NIS pension” which appeared in the November 23, 2020 edition of Stabroek News.
The experience of Mr Frank Williams, we must sadly share, is not a new phenomenon. Many sugar workers and workers generally have and are experiencing similar situations arising from the poor recordkeeping of the NIS. The GAWU, over the years, has continually represented these matters to the Scheme with varying degrees of success.
The injustices meted out to many contributors in their golden years after their working life is downright shameful and an indelible stain on the NIS.
Our Union, as it has done for many workers who have approached us, is willing to provide further representation to the NIS. We urge Mr Williams or Mr Singh to contact us at telephone numbers 227-2091/2, 225-5321 or 223-6523.
Yours faithfully,
Seepaul Narine
General Secretary