…about development
If some diehard supporters of the PNC-led APNU/AFC coalition harboured some hope their leaders had a clue — or even the inclination — to develop Guyana, Raphael Trotman’s answers in Parliament as to what they plan to do with the coming oil revenues proves conclusively they’re out at sea, even beyond Lisa 1. And that’s over 100 miles out in the deep blue Atlantic!!
To start off, the man is ignorant about the oil business and how it works, making his talk about “revenues” sound just like empty wool-gathering. It’s painfully obvious he hasn’t followed the developments in shale oil in the US after OPEC cut production to lift prices. Just to remind him, Exxon plunged into shale oil after abandoning sand-tar oil and the Arctic reserves on the pragmatic principle “if you can’t beat ‘em, then join ‘em”.
The result has been a steady DROP in prices, threatening to plunge below US$50 — until the blip this week. And “blip’ it will be, even though the Saudis and Russia say they’ll continue beyond June at higher production levels. Your Eyewitness predicts things aren’t going to be much different come 2020, and he’ll like Trotman to tell him what will be Guyana’s share of “profit oil” at that price! The fella just looooves to count his barrels before they’re sold!
But back to Trotman’s plans for whatever profit Guyana will get. Contrary to his vow to establish the Sovereign Wealth Fund — which the PPP had announced before the last elections — and to use these funds specifically for strategic investments so future generations and the country could benefit, he dumped those plans like a hot potato. Assuming there was ever such a plan, of course!
So, we now hear the SWF will be used for (1) stabilising the Budget. This means, of course, like it did last year, that Government will run massive budgetary deficits with its boondoggle schemes and jobs for the boys and girls. The oil money will then cover their sins. (2) Cheques to “the nation’s children and adults”. Yup!! You don’t even have to read between the lines to know which “children and adults” Trotman’s talking about. Money down the tubes!
(3) The regions will get a cut. Ditto with (2) above, except it’ll be triple dipping for the favoured few. And lastly (4) we hear once again about the US$500M Crab Island oil facility. The man still hasn’t explained what this “facility” will be doing, since the one company to strike oil — Exxon — says they’ll have nothing to do with it.
Trotman mightn’t know squat about oil, but he sure knows much about snake oil!!
…or principles
Waaay back, when it was launched, the AFC leadership triune said they’d be a “swing vote” in Parliament — to go either with the PPP or the PNC, depending on their respective stance on the issue at hand. The “good of the country” was going to be their talisman and guide! Quite a few persons choked up at that happy prospect, and the AFC got 5 seats.
Unfortunately, the wankers never voted — not even once — with the PPP in the decade since. NOT ONCE! Instead, they jumped into bed with the PNC-led APNU after a long courtship since 2011, a Valentine Day engagement in 2015, and wedding dowry of 40% Ministries after the last elections. They claimed there was never an issue they agreed on with the PPP.
Well, old people say nothing happens before its time. Lo and behold (as they say when a miracle’s about to happen!!), the AFC and the PPP both disagree with VAT on private education fees. The PPP’s placed the issue on the order paper.
Hope? Your Eyewitness thinks they’ll get larwah from the AFC!
…on SARA
Now, there have to be applications for the most powerful job in Guyana — Director of SARA. Could Pressie please announce what are the “fit and proper” criteria?
Co-leader of WPA??