Home Letters No government can succeed when their main objective is spite
Dear Editor,
The closure of the sugar estates was based purely on spite; that is the sure prognosis of all right-thinking Guyanese, but The PNC see things differently.
They are of the opinion that, by closing the sugar estates, they would be hitting The PPP the hardest. They were of the mistaken belief that, by shutting down the estates, they would sound the death knell of the PPP/C’s stronghold. Kill sugar, they opined, and we would have their supporters with their begging bowls crying for help at the PNC’s doorstep.
However, with that vindictiveness and spite, the PNC/AFC made the following major blunders:
1. They were exposing their lying and deceitful selves before an audience they had faithfully promised that they would never do such a thing.
In fact, they lied to the people, telling them that they need to be aware of the PPP, they are the party who would close the sugar estates, and the party who should be the object of their fear.
Well, as it turned out, the people are now well aware of which party betrayed their trust and which constitutes the enemy.
2. By deceiving the people in such a horrible way, they played right into the hands of the PPP.
The PPP gets those disaffected voters from the Coalition; in essence, they were strengthening PPP support in the Sugar Belt. The hurt, the blatant deception, did hit the people hardest, which caused many of them to vow never to vote for the Coalition again.
To verify my story, I urge you to go into the sugar areas, and the same sad story greets you as each worker tells you over and over again, “We were deceived… them fool a-we. Never again! Never would we vote for this PNC-dominated Coalition again.”
3. With the rise in the worldwide use of the brown crystals as a natural sweetener, sugar is a sure foreign exchange earner. The industry in Guyana was at the quarter million mark and rising when this Government took control of our economy.
This was a sure sign that better days were ahead. However, with the sudden closures, there was a drastic decline in production, where the industry is barely able to sustain 100,000 tons. The associated results are a shortfall in foreign earnings and a drop in the economy.
4. Sugar is the life blood of Guyana; on it every other foreign earner revolves. Sugar is a pivot on which Guyana’s foreign earnings revolve. The sugar industry is the largest entity in the productive sector, and to kill sugar means that the entire economy would collapse also. This is the sorry mistake this Government has made.
The stark reality is: you cannot run a government on sheer spite, it was bound to yield horrendous results. In three short years, this Coalition has supervised the demise of sugar as well as every other economic sector of this country. This is the backward platform that this administration is built on.
Neil Adams