Dear Editor,
Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo at the oil and gas conference said his Administration is “uncompromising about malfeasance and sleaze in public office” but if you investigate the Prime Minister’s track record, you can only conclude he was engaging in sheer blasphemy. When you see Sussex Street Bond Gate can happen under your watch and you are still paying that contractor for a contract that unethically attempts to make evil into good, or the D’Urban Park Project, where some G0 million blatantly drained from the Treasury.
When the party to which Mr Nagamootoo can stand on that stage and talk about malfeasance and sleaze but the party to which he belong has just whitewashed, even more, evidence of malfeasance and sleaze under that G5 million medical supplies control, you know that the national will has no choice but to galvanise against such evilness.
Listening to that speech by the Prime Minister at the Guyana Oil and Gas Association’s conference will leave any right minded thinker nonplused and bewildered because of its foundation in confounded deceit and deception. This speech is entitled to so much moral weight as would be the judgment of a band of drunkards in a rum-shop and illustrate that the Prime Minister is prepared to forfeiture any stature former associated with former Prime Ministers of Guyana such as Hugh Desmond Hoyte and Sam Hinds, men of some level of honesty and integrity.
Lisa Ally