Norton proposes appointment of substantive Chancellor, CJ to President Ali
…says judicial officers have demonstrated impartiality through their rulings over the years
…dispatches letter to Govt to this effect
Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton has dispatched a letter to the Government indicating his proposal for current acting Chancellor, Yonnette Cummings-Edwards and acting Chief Justice Roxane George to be confirmed in their substantive posts.
CJ (ag) Roxane George (left) and Chancellor (ag) Yonnette Cummings-Edwards
During a press conference on Tuesday, the Opposition Leader expressed his confidence in the two judicial officers being confirmed. To this end, he has had a letter sent to Minister of Governance and Parliamentary Affairs, Gail Teixeira, indicating his proposal.
“This morning, Mr Roysdale Forde, SC, and Member of Parliament, representative of the Leader of the Opposition, informed Ms Gail Teixeira, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, that in keeping with Article 127 (1) of the Constitution, the Leader of the Opposition is in agreement that Justice Yonnette Cummings-Edwards and Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire, be appointed Chancellor and Chief Justice.”
The letter sent on behalf of the Opposition Leader to Parliamentary Affairs and Governance Minister Gail Teixeira
“In this regard, the Leader of the Opposition has fulfilled his constitutional responsibility, since all that was needed is agreement. And I have agreed,” the Opposition Leader further outlined during his press conference.
Asked if he has any intentions of meeting the acting Chancellor and Chief Justice, Norton made it clear he has no such intention. According to Norton, however, the two judicial officers are qualified and moreover, have demonstrated their impartiality through their rulings over the years.
He explained that he even has the consensus of AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan, on the suitability of the two Justices.
“I have no intention of meeting with them. I don’t think it’s the correct thing to do, since they are expected to operate as independent arbiters on matters involving Government, political parties, etcetera. As it relates to their abilities, we have seen them over the years. We know their qualifications. We know what recommends them.”
“They have ruled on many matters. And so, in my opinion, and the opinion of the APNU/AFC, and I have spoken to Khemraj Ramjattan. We accept that they are capable. They have the requisite skills… now remember this is one of the legislations that does not speak to meaningful consultation. It speaks to agreement… I have indicated that I agree,” Norton said.
The Opposition Leader noted that the ball is now in the President’s court when it comes to confirming acting Chancellor, Yonnette Cummings-Edwards and acting Chief Justice Roxane George.
Article 127 (1) of the Constitution of Guyana states: “The Chancellor and the Chief Justice shall each be appointed by the President, acting after obtaining the agreement of the Leader of the Opposition.”
President Dr Irfaan Ali has already said that he has no issue appointing a Chancellor and Chief Justice. However, he had indicated that he would consult with the Opposition Leader on the issue after the service commissions are appointed.
President Ali had said that consultations are currently ongoing for the service commissions, after which he would engage the Opposition Leader on the judicial appointments.
“We have no issues appointing (the Chancellor and Chief Justice), but when the right time comes, we will have the consultations on the Chancellor and the Chief Justice. The consultation (with the Opposition Leader so far) was on the Commissions,” the President has said. “The President asked for consultations on those commissions (specifically),” the Head of State told reporters at State House last week.
On May 13, President Ali and Opposition Leader Norton met for the first time to consult on the appointments of the various service commissions, including the Judicial Service Commission, Police Service Commission, Teaching Service Commission and the Integrity Commission.
At the time, the two leaders had agreed to consult, in keeping with the Constitution, which stipulates that meaningful consultation be held on the appointments of these Service Commissions.
In fact, Norton had requested additional information on the nominees, and this was provided to him. However, when the Head of State invited the Opposition Leader last week Monday for a second meeting, Norton failed to show, citing that he was busy. As a result, President Ali went ahead and appointed the Police Service Commission and the Integrity Commission the following day, when the members were sworn-in.