The biggest comedy show, “Nothing to Laugh About 11”, which recently took the country by storm when they staged their annual production at the National Cultural Centre, is beginning their tour in Essequibo on Saturday, August 18, at the Anna Regina Community Centre Ground.
Once again, Essequibo will be given their dose of laughter. This year the show is directed by Maria Benschop and has an all-star cast, including Michael Ignatius, Lyndon “Jumbie” Jones, Kirwyn Mars, Leza “Radika” Singh, Clemencio Goddette, Chris Gopaul, Mark “Chine Man” Kazim, Leon Cummings, Kijana Lewis, Simone Persaud, Mark Luke-Edwards, Jermaine Grimmond, Zoya Moore, Ashley Alfred, and Sonia Yarde.
Tickets cost $1000 for adults and $500 for children and are available at G&P Jaigobin, Timo’s Vulcanising, Lal’s General Store, Original Juice Man, Maku’s Vulcanising, Morris and Jenny B.
As usual, the show will straddle all the divides; be it politics, race or religion. It is a show that is not afraid to push the boundaries and that is probably why it is the most anticipated show every year.
Patrons are advised to be on time as the show will begin at 20:00h sharp.