The National Sports Commission (NSC) under the Directorship of Christopher Jones for the third successive year has partnered with Guyana’s leading Youth and Sports Organisation, the RHTY&SC. The NSC will co-sponsor the RHTY&SC 2018 Youth Review Magazine and assisting the Club with a quantity of cricket balls which is to be shared out to several Clubs in the Ancient County.
Club Secretary/CEO Hilbert Foster noted that Director of Sports Christopher Jones and his Deputy Brian Smith have been very supportive of the activities of the RHTY&SC since 2016. The Club in 2018 has targeted a total of 700 activities after successfully completing a record of 712 in 2017. The 2018 Youth Review
Director of Sport Christopher Jones (left) hands over sponsorship to RHTY&SC Secretary/CEO Hilbert Foster
Magazine would consist of 48 pages and would be published at the F & H Printery in Campbellville, Georgetown. Foster who also serves as Editor in Chief of the Magazine stated that the National Sports Commission Co-sponsorship was a major boost in raising the necessary funds for the publication of the Magazine.
The Magazine would feature the outstanding work of the Club during the period January 2017 to May 2018, Profiles of Outstanding Cricketers, information on its ten cricket teams and several articles on interest to youths. These articles include Drug abuse, Suicide, Guyana’s Green Economy Campaign and the Importance of Education. The Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Health and NSC will also provide articles for the Magazine which be distributed free of cost to other cricket clubs, Youth and Sports Organisation, sponsors of the RHTY&SC, the University of Guyana, Government Ministries and Schools. The Editorial Committee hopes to have the 2018 Edition printed by the late May or early June. The Magazine will feature a Patron’s Remark by His Excellency President David Granger, RHTY&SC President Keith Foster and Mayor of Rose Hall Town Vijai Ramoo.
Foster explained that every year the RHTY&SC holds a Cricket Ball Programme where it would assist fellow cricket clubs with balls in an effort to get them to fulfill their mandates. The RHTY&SC, he stated over the last twenty-eight years has been blessed with tremendous success and it wants other clubs to enjoy similar success. The 2010 National Sports Personality Awardee stated that Sports is the main avenue to keep youths away from the evil ways of Satan and as such the RHTY&SC would continue to assist as possible. Among the Clubs expected to benefit are Mental Hospital, Whim National, No. 73, Mount Sinai, Tamarind Root, Police, Rose Hall Canje, Blairmont, Kildonan and Young Warriors.
Vice President Mark Papannah and Asst Secretary/CEO Simon Naidu both hailed the contribution of the NSC to the RHTY&SC and described Director or Sports Christopher Jones as a true friend of the dynamic Berbice Club. Papannah assured the Commission that the sponsorship would be used for the intended purpose and would make a positive difference. Eighteen years old Naidu the youngest elected official in the history of the RHTY&SC stated that the distribution of the balls would be done at the Club’s 28th Annual Award Ceremony scheduled for the April 29. Director Jones stated that the National Sports Commission was pleased to be associated with the RHTY&SC and wished the Club all the best in the future.