Home Letters Obscene greed by a select few, aided and abetted by an illegal...
Dear Editor,
Adam Harris, the Editor-in-Chief of Kaieteur newspaper is ever fond of the tale of the cow going to the slaughterhouse; it has no more fitting application than the behaviour of the David Granger Administration as we go to elections. It is a mess and the friends, cronies, and financiers are rolling like pigs in the wanton dispersal of State assets and award of lucrative contracts. The latest revelation is the 164,000-acre award to Lloyd Singh, an acknowledged AFC financier.
Dozens of residents of Ituni and Kwakwani applied for logging concessions in their area, applications were accompanied by non-refundable sums ranging from $20,000 to $200,000, a hardship in itself. I can only imagine the sense of betrayal those residents are feeling with the announcement that all the prime forest has gone to an AFC money man. A small group of Granger’s associates has been enjoying this last go at the public trough.
Brian Tiwari, like Lloyd Singh, is among a select group of Indo-Guyanese businessman that are enjoying the ‘sweets’, BK International was awarded a contract for $827 million to build a school in Yarrowkabra on January 2, 2020, there was no budgetary allocation for the school in 2019 nor was there a supplemental. There is no legal mechanism to make payment based on the provisions of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act. The same company is currently engaged in building a school at Good Hope, I recently visited that site and found there were hardly any workers there; I spoke to a representative on-site, who asked for his name to be withheld. I was informed that even though the project duration had expired along with the contract, only 50 per cent of the work has been completed and the representative was unsure if or when the work would be finished; and yet a new contract has been awarded. Then we move onto the ‘City of Ogle’ where all reason has seemingly succumbed to greed and gone to die.
Eight hundred acres have been awarded to various Granger friends, backers and cronies with just days to go. The AC Marriott project is unknown to Marriott Inc and has no approval for use of the name in any proposal, project document or public relation release, the same applies to the Hilton, in the case of Navigant “The project manager said that they are still to develop prices for lands and homes and also to approach persons to operate the commercial entities that are proposed to be a part of the community” A case of ‘get the land then make the plan’. All of this shows obscene greed by a select few, aided and abetted by an illegal Administration. There is more than enough evidence to suggest massive corruption is at play.
For the vast majority of Guyanese who are not recipients of Granger’s favours, the opportunity to vote on Monday represents your choice; do you vote to keep Granger and his cabal in the ‘good life’, keep them in the ‘sweets’ or are you going to look out for yourself? I urge all Guyanese to vote for the PPP/C, putting your X next to the cup is the first step towards prosperity for all.
Robin Singh