Occupational Health and Safety Officer needed for City Hall – Mayor

In light of the recent fire at the Drop In Centre, Georgetown Mayor Patricia Chase Green requested that an Occupational Health and Safety Officer be appointed at the City Hall.
According to Chase Green, since the resignation of the Council’s Occupational Health and Safety Officer some time back, no one has occupied the position, but she hoped to have this rectified soon.
“Since the resignation of our Occupational Health and Safety Officer, we have not had one functioning and I’m hoping that, and I’ve always been advocating as a qualified Occupational Safety and Health Officer, that we should always have one in place, that we should make sure that one is advertised for at the earliest opportunity,” she said.
The Mayor highlighted her uncertainty over the Mayor and City Council’s preparedness in the event of a fire. She asserted that the Fire Service has been invited to conduct an evacuation drill with the members of the Council in the event of an emergency, noting that this had not been done since last year.
“I’m not aware that if there is an alarm that goes off in this Council now, if Councillors are aware where is the safest place for them to assemble. And so, I would hope that you can invite the Fire Service to do an evacuation drill in the case of an emergency with the present Council and officers because that would have been long overdue. Since last year we have not had one,” Chase Green voiced.
She also requested that discussion be had with the Fire Service to implement fire prevention measures.