Dear Editor,
As expected, the “usual suspects” have surfaced on the issue of Elections coverage and how it ought to be handled in terms of fairness, balance, accuracy and truth.
As a former President of the GPA (Guyana Press Association) and as a journalist, I have advocated for years the position that in an environment where the State/Government owns and controls the dominant TV, a monopolistic radio station and in the then absence of social media, it was palpably unfair to dominate the airwaves with only one position.
It would appear that Kit Nascimento and his classist comrade Anthony Vieira have converged platforms in this day and age of a plethora of platforms and multiplicity of media. I reiterate there is a difference between broadcasting and telecommunication services in the Guyanese context.
Let me add for clarity that NCN on its broadcast TV network carried the President and only the President as general programming. Coverage of all of its news and other current affairs programmes is available for review by the Guyana National Broadcast Authority.
Kit in his usual highbrow attitude called me a few months ago insisting that under “The Fairness Doctrine” I should comply with a request he made. I pointed out that his reference to “The Fairness Doctrine” is over 30 years old, it is obsolete and not applicable in his case. He was wrong then as he is now but I know he likes the attention and will entertain him.
Using his usual logic, it means everyone who “live streams “ licensed broadcaster or not, is a broadcaster. Here he is taking the world down a silly if not crooked path. I have been an Election Observer, am a graduate in International Relations, and a journalist for over three decades.
I am aware that certain individuals/groups in society will speak out at particular times and places to catch the ear and eye of the media, observers and the soi-disant “international community” because those individuals know how the reports are formatted and want their views reflected within that template. So the chatter has started.
NCN is governed by a Board and the Board has considered and indicated to management how election coverage shall be conducted by NCN within the period of Nominations Day to the Declaration of Results.
The Board will also be guided by what GECOM promulgates and work within the guidelines, if any, set out by the GNBA.
Kit as is his wont states “the fact”, “quite properly points out” and goes down a media maze of terms and opinions as if all of what he says is the unvarnished truth and profound learning.
I have documents dating back to the early 1960s authored by Kit Nascimento and as the saying goes, even an old leopard cannot change its spots.
Watch the classist, contemptuous community clapback.
With regards,
Enrico Woolford