Home Letters Old people at the mercy of NIS Melanie Office
Dear Editor,
The Melanie Office of the National Insurance Scheme is a torture chamber. Don’t take my word for it; ask your old relatives who have to go to that office for service, and you will hear horror stories.
Senior citizens — who have served this nation and are now entitled to NIS benefits — experience the royal run-around at this office. They are made to feel as if they have committed an offence by trying to get what they have earned.
I concede that the full record of many applicants may not be at the NIS data base, but there must be a humane manner to communicate this to applicants, and there must be some form of guidance to shepherd the applicant through the process. But the conduct of many NIS staffers leaves the unmistakeable impression that they will not become pensioners. Maybe they would not live long enough!
My letter is an appeal to President Granger and the subject minister to plant decoys at the NIS offices, so that these esteemed leaders can have an idea of the tragedy to which many are exposed. And while they are at it, put decoys at all Government offices: Registry of Births and Deaths, police stations, CH&PA, etc.
Maybe SOCU can be helpful in pulling in those Government employees who frustrate us out of our rightful benefits as senior citizens.
On the other hand, our benefits mean nothing to overlords; we are now have-beens, and are of no consequence. Recovering state assets provides greater fun and mileage.
I think the time has come for senior citizens to voice their concerns, and the media should provide that encouragement. We did not give of our labour to be treated as society’s discards by those who think they will never get old.
We demand respect, and we demand our just benefits.