Olympic Solidarity Level 1 Archery Coaching Course continues full steam

As the rain clouds greeted the 21 participants and Coach Ludys Tejada on Thursday, January 18, 2024, they headed to the classroom at the National Racquet Centre to review the previous day’s topics.
Coach Tejada then talked about the World Antidoping Agency (WADA) and the new updated prohibited list. Archery Guyana and World Archery are committed to the fight against doping and to keeping the sport of archery clean.
As the rain passed, the participants went outdoors to the shooting range to put the knowledge they learnt into practice. Different tools were made by the participants to correct errors in the shooting form. They were learning also to observe each other to point out what the others have to improve.

Scenes from the second day of the Olympic Solidarity Coaching Course

At the end of the day, the participants learnt a lot about form. Coach Tejada commented on the fact that she has been asked a lot of very interesting questions about the size and weight of the bows for children, how to determine if the archer is using a correct bow, exercises for children and adults. She has declared happily that the participants are putting their heart into archery.
The Board of Directors extended thanks again to the Executive Committee of the Guyana Olympic Association; Allied Art Unit, Ministry of Education; National Sports Commission; Chief Executive Officer of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Ramesh Ghir and his protocol team; Alvin Wilson and his team at Bermudez Operations; Massy Distribution (Guy) Inc; Samuel Arjoon and his team at the Guyana Beverages Inc, and the media.