
Your Eyewitness would be the last person you’d accuse of being “woke” or anything like that. In fact, if the truth be told, he’s constantly accused of being a real fuddy duddy who sticks to the line laid down by the old fire-and-brimstone preachers from his long-bygone youth!! But the debate over the gender of those two boxers from Algeria and China really opened up his eyes on this woke gender fluidity. Going on looks, your Eyewitness would’ve sided with those who thought the two were “males” – but he then found out they were born with female apparatus, and were raised all their lives as girls!!
He began to understand what they must’ve gone through – especially when he discovered they could’ve been born with a chromosomal anomaly called “Swyer syndrome”. As the medical tome pronounced,
“Girls with this condition have an XY chromosomal makeup (as boys normally do) instead of an XX chromosomal makeup (as girls normally do). Despite having the XY chromosomal makeup, girls with Swyer syndrome look female, and have functional female genitalia and structures, including a vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes.” However, while some of the physical features, like height and small breasts, contribute to their “male” appearance, they have what are called “streak or fibroid gonads”, and don’t secrete extra testosterone. As such, they don’t have the “male” advantages that hormone usually confers. Life ain’t always what it seems, innit?
Your Eyewitness’s takeaway is that we in the boondocks like Guyana don’t have to become woke by only demanding that the government leave our oil in the ground under the Atlantic; we should start looking at other aspects of life around us with new eyes. There are subjective “truths” that may have an objective basis not easily seen!! And this brings him to the frothing from members of the Opposition, that up to now he thought was “bizarre”. Like this insistence that the Yanks under the Trump Administration installed the PPP through electoral rigging!! He’d assumed up until now that the Opposition troglodytes were simply rubbing their doody on the PPP’s bamsie!!
So, he’s gonna be thinking out loud as to how the PPP might’ve done the dirty (riggin’)!! Up to the counting of the Reg 4 votes – where the hawk-eyed Mingo was waiting – things were regulah, according to the Opposition. So exactly what was it the PPP had done to make Mingo switch from SOPs to spreadsheets? Stuffed the ballot boxes with fake votes from the dead and emigrated, we’re told. Even with their gimlet-eyed agents in place? Was THAT because of mass hypnosis? Forget about the recount, they snort, the (dirty) deed had already been done!
OK, your Eyewitness gets their subjective truth; but the objective basis still escapes them!! Nasty riggers!!

…heart surgeries
Your Eyewitness was pleased as punch when he read that eight open heart surgeries had been performed in Guyana – and on children at that!! That meant the level of expertise needed had to be that much higher, since the hearts were that much smaller!! And this is the second time these surgeries were being done here!! Now, he knows the “operations” were done by a team of foreign doctors and specialists, but that it was done HERE means we have all the necessary apparatus, instruments and equipment needed for the job!
All that’s needed is for our doctors to acquire the expertise that the furriners have. Now, your Eyewitness isn’t saying that this can be done with the snap of the fingers; far from it! But he knows that our medical personnel are as smart as any other cohort from across the globe. So now GPHC and the Government just gotta get with the programme of training!
And motivating the trainees with decent salaries!!

…oil production
Chevron just announced that they’re gonna be opening a new frontier in oil production – this time dealing with 20,000 psi pressures, up from the previous limits of 15,000 psi – under the Gulf off Louisiana.
Drill baby, drill!!