Open letter to Nagamootoo

Dear Moses,
You have done it again with your foolish statement to quarantine the international observers. It is a ploy to delay the recounting of the votes and steal the elections. I thought that you were a man of principle, but apparently, you are not. This remains true today.
The same way you believe in the quarantine laws you should also believe in the Constitution. The Constitution states that election results should be declared 15 days after an election is held. It is more than forty days since the elections and you have not said a word. Why are you silent?
The only reason is that you are only interested in power for yourself, which is selfish. narcissistic and pitiful. This leads me to believe that when you said you fought Burnham for democracy and fair and free elections, you were lying. What you fought for was the power for yourself just as you are doing now.
But you will not get it. If you do not know, then let me tell you, your political career is not only in shambles, it is disgraceful and it has ended. You are becoming the most hated person in the country and the Diaspora. Anywhere you go, you will be picketed. Your silly actions have made it difficult for you to venture into the public after your political career is over. You were dishonest then and you are dishonest now.
If, according to you, APNU has won the elections, then you should be happy to have the votes recounted swiftly. But you continue to put obstacles in the way of the recount. You are doing a disservice to the people and the country. You are hated on the Corentyne, including Whim village where you were born and you know it. That was the reason you could not have campaign on the Corentyne.
It is shameful what you are doing to the country. You are holding an entire nation hostage for your personal political ambitions. Moses, you are over 70 years, it is time to exit the political scene. For the past five years, you were clueless as to the development of the country. Granger relegated you to be the Prime Minister of the Chronicle newspapers because he did not trust you and he realised that you are visionless and have little competence. That is why he placed Harmon over you. To say the things you are saying and to act them out is nothing but ghetto behaviour. Shame on you Moses.
Your deceit and your lust for power have left me no choice but to end our friendship. I am a principled person who has put the country first but you are not. Looking back, I believe that all that you have said in the past about the PNC and rigging elections and the PPP was to enhance your political ambitions. You were not concerned about the poor people of the country, only Moses. Now it has ended. I will be writing a series of letters in the papers against your shaggy behaviour.

Dr Euclid Rose