Open Tournament organised for Faye Joseph b/day tomorrow
Domino lovers and real supporters of the sport are expected to flock the Transport Sports Club tomorrow to participate in an Open Tournament to celebrate the birth anniversary of Guyana National Domino Federation (GNDF) and Georgetown Domino Association (GDA) President Faye Joseph.
GNDF and GDA President Faye Joseph
According to a release from the organisers, the tournament is open to all teams from across the country and it is being staged in honour of the long-serving President, who to many has been integrally responsible for the lofty status the game enjoys right now.
Joseph has been at the helm of both entities for a number of years and has placed Guyana right on top of the regional ladder in terms of the sport’s visibility and success. The release added that the tournament would be played on a points system and sudden death to decide the winner.
Up for grabs will be over $300,000 in prize monies and trophies with the winning team set to receive $150,000, runners-up $75,000 and third place $35,000, with all prizes guaranteed.
Entrance fee per team is $12,000 and double-six time is 15:00h. Food and drinks will be on sale throughout the day. Interested teams can contact Mark “Jumbie” Wiltshire on 665-5855 for more information.