Opposition Leader strips Jermaine Figueira of parliamentary portfolio

…“I am flabbergasted” – MP says, appeals decision to PNC executive

…questions whether shaking President Ali’s hand vexed Norton

A surprise decision by Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton to strip Member of Parliament (MP) Jermaine Figueira of his portfolio for culture, youth and sports has left the MP baffled and questioning whether he is being victimised by the senior politician.

Opposition MP Jermaine Figueira shaking President Dr Irfaan Ali’s hand in Linden over the weekend

When contacted by Guyana Times on Wednesday, Figueira said that the decision took him by surprise and directed enquiries about the rationale behind the decision to the Opposition Leader himself. He made clear, however, that the matter was likely to be raised whenever the Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the People’s National Congress (PNC) met again.
“I’m flabbergasted by the leader’s decision and that’s where I would leave it for now. I’m still processing it. I think this will be raised (at the next CEC meeting),” Figueira said, adding that his work as an MP and as Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) would, nevertheless, continue.
Figueira, meanwhile, penned a letter addressed to fellow members of the PNC executive in which he highlighted the issue and questioned the rationale behind the decision, which he was made aware of on Tuesday.
“Dear colleagues… on the advice of several senior party stalwarts I pen this letter to you all… I was shocked yesterday when I was informed by the Leader, at an MPs meeting that I would no longer hold any portfolio including that of culture, youth and sports, which I shadowed successfully for the past four budgets, and after I have been preparing for the upcoming presentations in a matter of days.”
According to Figueira, he was never consulted before the decision and the reasons that were reluctantly given, which he did not disclose in the letter, were “in my respectful view, most nonsensical and without merit”.
The MP pointed out that based on performance alone, the political work he has been doing in the communities, particularly in Linden where he hails from, made the decision to remove his portfolio responsibilities illogical.
In fact, he raised questions in the letter about which other MPs or arms of the PNC have been able to raise funding and help constituents the way he has and questioned the high-handedness of the decision.

Political work
In addition to his political work in the community – which he said Norton has in the past downplayed by referring to it as social work – Figueira pointed out his tireless efforts on behalf of his party. This is work that has at times seen him working with the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government, to bring assistance to his constituents.
“My interventions at the government level have brought relief to many. For example, I would have engaged both Ministers of Public Works when the Region’s budgetary allocations didn’t cater for several roads to be done in some communities, for it to be done and it was,” Figueira pointed out.
According to Figueira, President Dr Irfaan Ali had publicly committed to addressing matters he had raised, including squatting. He also made reference to the small contractors and the many families who he has interceded on behalf of, as their elected representative, to the Government of the day.
In fact, Figueira went on to question whether his willingness to work with the political other side, for the greater good of the people, is the reason he has been singled out by Norton. He emphasised that he has always been willing to work with the PPP/C Government, because it was the custodian of the people’s resources.
“I questioned if this decision/action of me being penalised/victimised is a result of my forthright attitude to speak my truth and being a free thinker and not a conformist. Or was it because I disagreed with the Leader and not the party’s position of not shaking the President’s hand policy in this modern era of political and diplomatic engagements. I shook the man’s hand that was extended towards me. I did it because it’s the sensible and courteous thing to do.
“In the circumstances, I am appealing to the Central Executive Committee to review this decision, and if it is found to be unwarranted, to reverse it. Leaders become great not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others,” Figueira further said in his letter.
Meanwhile, efforts by this publication to contact Norton were futile.

Norton’s well-known stance of not shaking President Ali’s hand, despite handshakes being a common show of courtesy even among political opponents around the world has raised eyebrows and drawn criticism.
Back in 2022 when Figueira was photographed shaking President Ali’s hand during one of his Cabinet outreaches, Norton had publicly denied reports that Figueira was threatened afterwards. He had been adamant that his MPs are free to do as they wish, within the broad confines of the party’s policies.
Over the weekend, Figueira was photographed shaking President Ali’s hand in Linden at the contract signing for the construction of the new four-lane Mackenzie-Wismar Bridge that would “create immense opportunities” for residents of Region 10 (Upper Demerara- Berbice).
Meanwhile, it is understood that Opposition MP Nima Flue-Bess, a relative newcomer to parliamentary politics, will be assuming responsibility for Figueira’s portfolio of culture, youth and sport, ahead of Budget Day on January 15.
Reports also indicate that former Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan, who had hitherto shadowed the Agriculture Ministry, will also now be shadowing the Home Affairs Ministry. (G3)