Opposition MPs flagged as SLED audit finds millions in State funds wasted
Some prominent Opposition Members of Parliament (MPs) have been fingered in a damning forensic audit report into the former APNU/AFC Government’s Sustainable Livelihoods Entrepreneurial Development (SLED) Programme.
Among the damning findings is the wanton wastage of millions of dollars of State funds.
Opposition MP Christopher Jones
In the report seen by Guyana Times, a project analysis zeroed in on MP Christopher Jones and the Precision Barber Shop and Beauty Salon. The report stated that no interview was conducted with Jones nor was the team able to confirm the grant received from the SLED initiative.
However, it noted that based on the review of the Compliance Audit, “Christopher Jones entity is not a registered society under the Co-operative Societies Act 88:01 or Friendly Society Act 36:04.”
Back in 2020, the CID Headquarters had reported that the barbershop equipment was allegedly fraudulently obtained based on an audit which showed that the Ministry of Social Protection approved the disbursement of $4.9 million under the Region Four administration for the procurement of equipment for a barbershop under the Sustainable Livelihood and Entrepreneurial Development (SLED) programme.
A Financial Return presented revealed that the full amount was spent by December 31, 2019, but almost $1 million in items were not actually delivered and the project was not executed and some of the equipment were stored at Jones’ home.
Opposition MP Vincent Henry
However, at the time of the physical verification, it was discovered that the beneficiary does not operate a barber shop, since construction of the said barbershop has not yet commenced
Meanwhile, Opposition MP Vincent Henry was also named in the report, regarding a project at Shulinab Village. That project was for the construction and furnishing of a multipurpose building to the tune of $19 million. The report referenced a meeting with the Treasurer of Shulinab Women’s Development Cooperative Society Limited, Leandra Eusebio, who escorted the investigating team to the site of the project.
Upon arrival at the site of the project, the team then requested Eusebio to be part of an interview and also to investigate the facility which was funded by the SLED grant. Eusebio indicated to the team that the grant was given directly to the contractor.
During the course of the interview, Eusebio indicated that she was not aware of the amount of the SLED grant and that the Society had initially asked for an extension to their existing building, however, was advised by Henry that they should do a proposal for an entirely new building.
When Eusebio was asked to provide documents regarding receiving the SLED grants and the construction of the facility, she indicated that she is not aware of any such documents. However, she provided the Certificate of Registration of the Shulinab Women’s Development Cooperative Society Limited. In addition, she showed the team a computer system the group had received which never worked. Also, the team inquired about how the grant benefits the community.
“It was indicated that the facility is not currently being utilised, since the facility does not have potable water, electricity, and shelves,” the report highlighted.
In another case, the report shared that in November 2022, a visit was conducted at the Green Jaguars Environmental and Community Co-op – Pig Rearing Facility – chaired by the brother of APNU MP Jermaine Figueira.
The team was unable to make contact with any of the beneficiaries of the SLED grant. The grant was for the construction of a Pig Rearing Facility for Green Jaguars Environment & Community Co-op, to the sum of $5 million; the construction of a Chicken Pen Facility for West Watooka to the sum of $2 million; and the construction of a Chicken Pen Facility at Amelia’s Ward, to the sum of $2 million.
After not being able to make contact with the beneficiaries, the liaison staff from the REO’s office took the investigative team to the site of the facility where the inspection was done. The team found that the facility was not operational and was abandoned.
“Even though there was an animal in the facility, it looks like it was just a visitor and was unhappy with the vacation home. After inspecting the facility, the team in many attempts tried to contact the chairman of the society, Jermaine Figueira,” a section of the report states.
On November 25, 2022, the team made another effort to reach Figueira by stopping at his residence, to which his mother reportedly stated that he is currently out of the jurisdiction.
The SLED programme, which was implemented through the former Social Protection Ministry, is a programme that was supposed to give grants to cooperatives and friendly societies to equip them to engage in sustainable entrepreneurial ventures. Specifically, it was supposed to be used to uplift disadvantaged youths.
A total of $760 million was disbursed under the SLED programme between 2015 and 2020, in increments of $115 million, $40 million, $100 million, $150 million, $250 million and $105 million, respectively. (G-12)