The freedom of popular cross-dresser Otis “Otisha” Pearson, who is accused of paedophilia, hangs in the proverbial balance as the Guyana Police Force was successful in its bid to seek the High Court’s approval for an extension of the statutory 72-hour detainment period.
Pearson was taken into Police custody on March 6 after the Child Care and Protection Agency (CC&PA) forwarded the findings of its investigation of paedophilia claims against the sex worker. The Police’s investigation is still ongoing and the file is with the Director of Public Prosecutions for legal advice.
The Police said that the extension was sought in the High Court on Friday morning at the 72-hour period for his detainment was nearing expiration. They were granted the permission to further detain Pearson until Monday as it is expected that the DPP would pronounce on the matter by that time.
Otis “Otisha” Pearson
The CC&PA’s investigation was launched after Pearson went on national television, after he was released from Police custody for another incident, and claimed that he has “a little boy” for every day of the week. Following that claim, photos of the cross-dresser and a teenaged boy were leaked on social media site, Facebook, sparking outrage.
To pacify the situation, Pearson, in the presence of Joel Simpson – founder of the Society Against Sexual Orientation and Discrimination (SASOD) explained that the term “little boy” is usually thrown around in the transgender community and denied being involved in sexual relations with any underage boy.
The releasing of the photos and subsequent response led to several persons calling for an investigation into the incident and accused Pearson of being a pervert.
Back in February the investigation into the alleged misconduct by Pearson was closed. It was discovered that the boy was below the legal age of consent, which is 16 and became a victim of bullying after the photos were leaked.
According to CC&PA’s Director, Ann Green, the Agency has gathered statements from a number of persons, including the young man at the centre of the controversy, and as such, it is expected to move ahead with the case.