Dear Editor,
We read daily in the national newspapers of the robbery that is taking place. Exxon is in the process of robbing us blind (as we say here). Is this not a crime, robbery? Can’t we do a class action lawsuit in the Hague? I am willing to contribute my two cents.
They have taken advantage of our Governments’ ignorance. Our past and present governments must accept some blame but this is a case where a world bully is taking advantage of our ignorance at the expense of Guyana children’s future.
If you go to the market and buy an item of value $100 for $10 from the vendor’s son because you are an adult, more experienced, worldly and have better command of the English language, we would all agree that that is robbery; morally reprehensible and the many more colourful Guyanese descriptions that we cannot say publicly.
We the Guyanese people of all political persuasions must act together against Exxon without debating which Guyanese party is responsible.
The person who is robbing us is Exxon but we can be friends if they would threat us fairly. We need a movement that is race-less and politically blind.
Best regards,
Mohamed F Khan