“Our customers must leave with part of the Guyanese aroma and taste”

– owner of DatzDeli, the only Guyanese food franchise in Manhattan

If anyone resident in or visiting Manhattan, New York, should crave a good Guyanese curry: whether chicken, goat, or any other type, DatzDeli – located at 69 Clinton Street, LES (Lower East Side), and Times Square, New York – is the most highly recommended place to go to satisfy that craving.
The only Guyanese restaurant in Manhattan, DatzDeli is located in one of the busiest cities in the United States, traversed by millions from around the world on any given day. The first DatzDeli was opened at 190-01 Hollis Avenue, NY in December 2022; the first outlet was operated at Clinton Street, LES, in October 2023; and the third restaurant was opened at Times Square on February 25, 2025.
The DatzDeli restaurants are owned and operated by Joshua Dat, a businessman born to Guyanese parents in the United States. The name DatzDeli is derived from the family’s name “Dat”, in honour of Joshua’s father Ganesh Dat, who left Guyana for the USA 40 years ago. Joshua’s mother Sunita migrated to the USA 52 years ago. Joshua, now 32 years old, has been saving finances since he was 17 years old with intention to open his own line of restaurants.
“I started the DatzDeli franchise to honour my father Ganesh, who has always been a hard worker and an excellent cook. He helped contribute to the success of others, and gave his time to them; but was never truly appreciated,” the young man told Guyana Times.
Joshua, who wanted to enhance his cooking skills by working with his father side-by-side to create a unique and special brand – one that is close to the family’s heart – disclosed, “I didn’t know, nor expected, that our business would have blossomed into a striving franchise…It gives me nothing but happiness, satisfaction and joy to see my dad’s skills in full effect.”
Informing this publication that all the members of the Datt family: father, mother, siblings, and an uncle, are involved in the operation of this franchise, with assistance coming from other members of staff, Joshua disclosed that DatzDeli has created one of New York’s most viral sandwiches, called the ‘Datmacpatty’. He said there are variations to this very mouth-watering delicacy, but the most famous one is the ‘Oxtail Datmacpatty.’
“We cut open a butter flap bread then add beef, chicken, or veggie patty along with some home-made baked macaroni and cheese, topped with some shredded oxtail and gravy…,” he explained. “That is the famous dish that has made the Deli popular.” He added that jerk chicken can also be stuffed inside a Datmacpatty.
Joshua has also said that, apart from this signature dish, the most spicy and flavourful curries can be bought at all the DatzDeli outlets. The products that cater to the everyday demands are mostly bought from various vendors, including Guyanese vendors.
Asked what level of support the DatzDeli restaurants command, Joshua responded: “The support from the public is what makes DatzDeli who we are. We’re so blessed to have such a great community and followers. Our biggest supporter is the public. We are so grateful for each and every one of our customers (and) followers. This journey has been such a joyous and wonderful feeling to encounter with life. We have people that come from all over the world to try our famous oxtail patty.”
He also disclosed that operating a business in Manhattan is overwhelming because there is abundant opportunity to provide a service to the huge numbers of tourists and locals.
“With the city location, it’s easier for people that travel from all over the world to come to our restaurant; where they can be served with the highest standard, the (tastiest) meals, and more so they get a chance to smell the Guyanese aroma – the spices, the curry, the masala, the pepper…,” he detailed.
“Our customers MUST leave here with a part of the Guyanese culture; and that is our intention from the inception,” he disclosed.
Joshua explained that those who come to experience the city life have in DatzDeli a place to grab something authentic, because the restaurant is opened until 01:00h daily.
“Although fairly new in the food industry, we have never been stereotyped or discriminated(against)…I must say that all our customers are treated fairly, and we have received it back fairly. The only debate would be whether it’s chicken curry or curry chicken,” he grinned.
Joshua has disclosed that the family is already involved in talks to expand the DatzDeli franchise to Florida very soon.
“Florida, get ready; because we are coming!” the ecstatic young businessman has said.
Joshua Dat is expressing sincerest gratitude to his mother Sunita, father Ganesh, brothers Bobby and Josiah, sisters Jenny and Theresa, his uncle Nandram, and all the members of staff for the immense support they have given to the DatzDeli restaurants and him over the years.
This businessman has said that although no member of the Dat family has ever returned to visit Guyana since migrating to the USA, they are all looking forward to making that visit this year.