Our High Court must be guided by the ruling of the CCJ

Dear Editor,
Our Courts cannot be complicit in these acts of electoral fraud committed by the very sanctimonious gangsters who are seeking to have the Court approve of fraud.
Even as the APNU+AFC continues to glaringly and obtrusively delude its supporters into believing that it has won the General and Regional Elections of March 02, 2020, I ask these very supporters: Have any of you — especially those who shelter under the umbrella of the church and the concomitant values of decency, honesty and truth which the very churches extol — stopped to enquire and to consider the lies upon lies which the APNU+AFC gangsters, like Lucifer, have been perpetrating and encouraging you to be complicit in?
Our High Court must be guided by the truth, the facts before it. It must be guided by the results of the Recount.

Norman Whittaker