Our own practising totalitarianism

Dear Editor,
Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong and Adolf Hitler unleashed widespread killings in their respective countries but were careful enough to never get their own hands dirty. They understood how important it was for the leader to maintain his persona to continue tricking and manipulating the masses. At home, Burnham also mastered this old totalitarian technique.
He portrayed himself as scholarly and considerate while behind the scene, he rigged elections with help from minions within the Election Commission. He also brutalised political opponents using thugs from House of Israel, the Guyana Police Force and the Guyana Defence Force, choke and robbers, and “kick down the door bandits”. Burnham was so adept at conning people that some are still enthralled with him today.
Coming to the present, as the public observes the riggers deploying various stratagems to steal the elections, I saw that a leading commentator has fallen for this old totalitarian trick and is unwittingly pushing the narrative that Granger has lost control of his party and moreover, is angry with the faction being led by Lawrence, Harmon and Trotman.
This is a mere subterfuge. Granger is the primary beneficiary behind this power grab and has the authority to concede defeat anytime. I, therefore, have no doubt that Granger himself is the intellectual author behind the JJ&B LLC submissions and for introducing into the minds of the public, the ruse about the split in APNU/AFC. These are intended to preserve his honest and decent image.
As a consequence of ABCEU criticisms against Mingo’s blatant attempts to rig, APNU/AFC was quick to rush to China and Russia to beg for support. This is one of the greatest ironies in modern times for while PPP/C is perhaps more capitalist than President Trump, it is still suspected as communist by the West and APNU/AFC when the situation suits them. The other irony is that like Burnham, who was helped by the Americans and later became a brutal dictator, Granger also received help from the Americans in 2015 and is heading down the same path.
We know here in Guyana that Granger is the very essence of double-speak as was so well described by Orwell. He says one thing and does another. We saw this with his repeated violations of the Constitution. However, that stunt which he pulled on Mia Mottley and Caricom would have to go down as a classic.
We, therefore, have our own practicing totalitarian, who by no coincidence, is a student of history and a disciple of Burnham. Fortunately, the world woke up just in time and is seeing him for what he really is, a master manipulator with a dictatorial calling.

Ravi Ram