With the release of thousands of classified top secret documents on the 1963 JFK assassination – withheld for 62 years – we should be getting a kinda clearer picture of the CIA’s role in that seismic event. Kinda! Before we get too carried away, let’s remember that every decade following the assassination, there’s been promises to the same effect – but never kept!! It all has to do with how the deep state use spies to do their dirty jobs!! Hopefully, the dirt on the assassinations of RFK and MLK. Will also soon to be released.
In American slang, a “spook” is a ghost…a specter who scares people. Like in “I was really spooked when I saw Linda Blair’s head rotate in The Exorcist!” To get an inkling of how Americans view spies, when the CIA – initially called Office of Strategic Services – was formed during WWII – they were dubbed “spooks”! They operated invisibly behind the scenes like ghosts – never seen but you knew they’re there when all sorts of mayhem is unleashed on the enemy!!
During the Cold War that followed, the CIA became a formidable force as they took on the Ruskies and their allies with “Cold” techniques that changed the nature of war forever. We in Mudland popped up in their sights after 1961 when JFK decided Jagan was about to take us – then called British Guiana (BG) – in the Ruskies’ camp. That Castro has done just that in Cuba and the invasion to remove him had failed spectacularly made JFK rather testy – as everyone EXCEPTING Jagan could imagine!! At that time, the head spook was a fella named John A. McCone who served from 1961 to 1965 during some of the most tumultuous events in American international history: the Bay of Pigs invasion; the Cuban missile crisis that almost led to a nuclear war between the Yanks and the Ruskies and last but not least the beginning of the Vietnam War!! Not to mention JFK’s assassination!!
In fact things got so hot that in most American accounts of the era, the CIA’s ouster of Jagan from government by fostering race riots ain’t mentioned!! Even though JFK personally was involved and was briefed by McCone! Our ouster was a side operation that cost just US$3.5M and only Guyanese lives – 180– were snuffed out. The CIA used US labour unions and their local lackeys to do the dirty. Well, since then a lot of water has flowed under THAT bridge – esp. after the Ruskies threw in the towel in 1989 and the Cold War ended. USAID picked up the slack – but now’s being defunded!!.
Turnes out a lot of the released documents on JFK were hidden by Mc Cone!! Poetic justice??
…Mad Maduro
While we’ve been taking on Mad Maduro – diplomatically, to show the world we’re the good guys in the border controversy and militarily by modernizing our Disciplined Forces to give him a bloody nose – the tyrant seems determined to defy the world. From announcing his imminent “election” of a Governor of Essequibo to sending naval gunships to threaten US oil major ExxonMobil. Like the madman “see ‘e dead comin’”!!
Your Eyewitness ain’t getting into the whys and wherefores – buy Mad Maduro seems to think he’s the elephant in the room who can sit anywhere it damn well pleases! So now that Pres Trump has sent Secty of State Marco Rubio to come calling personally tomorrow, we gotta make a case for nannersing the madman pronto. Or there will be a “demonstrator effect” when pipsqueak countries like Zelensky’s Ukraine see Mad Maduro’s getting away with threatening powerful US corporations!!
What they gonna think of Trump’s “security guarantee” to deploy US businesses rather than armed troops??
…restraints on movement
When we were slaves and indentured labourers we weren’t free to travel about the country. We had to get passes or be thrown into the clinker!!
Well, this Aug 1, the government announced FREE travel across our bridges!!! Emancipation Day Freedom!!!