Home Letters Outraged at 10% deduction of hinterland head teacher’s salary
Dear Editor,
As a member of the Saxacalli Primary School P.T.A, I was shocked when I learnt that our headmaster was required to pay ten percent of his salary as rent for the teacher’s house he is temporarily occupying.
Riverine schools have always had a problem attracting teachers from the Coastland and Saxacalli Primary is of no exception. In fact, in the past, our school was always under staffed. Happily this situation changed when our headmaster was appointed.
Editor, to leave your home and family and venture into the interior is a sacrifice. Apparently the Minister of Education does not recognized this fact. I think that if a little research was done this drastic measure might not have been implemented.
Our headmaster who took up his appointment less than a year ago, is doing a wonderful job and should be encouraged. In fact all riverine teachers who leave their homes to serve interior locations should be lauded.
I happened to know that our head teacher is paying rent where he and his family reside on the West Bank of Demerara. To expect a teacher who is already under paid to pay rent for two houses, is I think, unfair.
It is my humble opinion, that teachers in the interior areas should be given special considerations since dedicated teachers are often out of pocket for simple things which the Ministry of Education does not supply. Grants are inadequate and can never supply everything needed.
For, instance, our head teacher uses his privately owned computer and printer to do school work. Ink for printers is expensive and the cost is never reimbursed.
Teachers who have families out of the district are already sacrificing part of their salaries.
The Ministry of Education should deal with teachers and especially those with a university degree in such a way that they will not seek greener pastures abroad.
The powers that be, should do some research and make the necessary adjustments where riverine teachers are concerned. It will be a sad day for Saxacalli if because of this drastic measure our sir decides to leave.
I sympathize with His Excellency President David Arthur Granger, he has scraped the bottom of the barrel to find ministerial material. Imagine the Minister of Education a born and bred Guyanese not knowing the difference between Pagwah and Diwali.
Mr. E. C. Lobert