Over 1500 teachers complete studies at CPCE

…learning experience for students should be significantly enhanced – Min Manickchand

Some 1502 pre-service and in-service teachers graduated from the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE) on Friday which represents the second largest group of teachers to graduate from the institution throughout its 96 years in existence.
The 90th graduation exercise was held at the Guyana National Stadium and saw over 1500 educators receiving certificates and awards in several educational disciplines. Of this year’s graduating batch, 86 per cent were females and 14 per cent were males.
Some 447 teachers graduated from Early childhood education, 602 from Primary Education, 169 from Secondary Education, 251 from Secondary Pre-Vocational, and 33 from General Teacher Education (GTE) and Technical Teacher Education (TTE).

Education Minister Priya Manickchand

Speaking at the ceremony, Education Minister Priya Manickchand explained that once the graduates are dispatched across the country, the learning experience for students should be significantly enhanced.
“In Region 9, we have 5,924 learners at the primary level. We had 176 trained teachers. We’re adding 83 trained teachers this year. That will bring down our class size or our ratio of 33 students to one pupil to one trained teacher to 22 pupils to one trained teacher. Do you see how we’re moving closer and closer to our ideal numbers and ratio?”
This scenario, the Minister explained, will be replicated across all administrative regions as more and more teachers become trained. In fact, across the majority of the regions, there has been an increase in the number of teachers being trained. For instance, in Region Ten during the period 2015 to 2020, there were 182 trained teachers but from 2020 to 2024, that figure stood at 377.
“So, I’m trying to say to you that the whole idea of training was not to say as a big headline we’re training many. It was to reduce the class sizes. So that is adding numerically more teachers and it was to make sure we have a higher quality in the classroom through your bodies and your minds and your delivery.”
In addition, Vice Principal of Development at CPCE Tamsin Henry highlighted some of the academic achievements the institution has earned over the years.

Prime Minister Mark Phillips

“CPCE for the first time in the college’s history, is now offering music, literacy, SEND (Special Education Needs/Disabilities), and health and family life education as major options in the Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) secondary programmes. Additionally, golf has been included in the physical education programmes being offered at all of our coastal centres, an initiative which will soon be extended to our hinterland centres.”
Moreover, delivering remarks was acting President, Mark Phillips who highlighted how Government interventions have transformed the education sector over the years.
“Over the last four years, as a Government, we’ve allocated over $200 billion under various educational initiatives to improve the delivery of education in Guyana. We’ve launched e-education, reaching some 91 per cent of Guyana communities. Our goal is to build an inclusive education system that leaves no child behind, no matter where they live. This includes increasing access to information and communication technology in education, enhancing technical and vocational training and building new schools, particularly in remote areas.”
In this regard, the acting president reaffirmed the Government’s commitment towards investing in the sector, particularly in human resources. He added that teachers play a crucial role in guiding the country’s development trajectory.
“I wish to assure you that the Government of Guyana that I represent here today remains committed to supporting this vital role that you, our teachers, play in our society. We recognise that our nation’s progress is tied to the strength of our education system and the dedication of you, our teachers. To the graduating class of 2024, as you leave here today, you carry with you the hopes and dreams of a nation. You are the ones who will nurture and guide the next generation of Guyanese, helping them to reach their full potential.”

The graduates at this year’s graduation exercise

Meanwhile, Fiona Sharma was the recipient of this year’s President’s Award for Excellence from the CPCE as the Best Overall Graduating Student in the Associate Degree in General Education Programme.
Sharma hails from Essequibo Islands-West Demerara, Region Three and currently resides at Recht-Door-Zee, West Bank Demerara (WBD). She teaches at the Mc Gillivray Primary School at Canal No.1, West Bank Demerara (WBD).
CPCE offers a wide variety of courses and programmes for every level of teaching, including early childhood programmes for both pre-service and in-service students, the primary programme, and the secondary academic and pre-vocational programmes. In total, there are four programmes for the Associate Degree in Education (ADE), along with a Trained Teacher Certificate (TTC) Programme for in-service teachers who are not eligible for the ADE Programme. This year, for the first time in education history, CPCE students received Diplomas and Degrees in Special Education Needs.