Home News Over 2000 students to graduate from UG next month
More than 2200 graduands from 50 disciplines are expected to walk the virtual graduation stage as the University of Guyana (UG) hosts its second series of online graduation events.
This is the 55th Convocation for the Turkeyen campus and the 20th for the Berbice campus.
The graduations will be hosted over two weekends from Friday, February 4, 2022, to Saturday, February 12, 2022.
However, graduates’ profiles for eligible students were approved by the University’s Academic Board in November and December 2021.
As such, these are their effective dates for graduation. Students who have met their obligations to the University may now request expedited certificates, Letters of Completion and Official Transcripts by using the request features in their University’s Student Records Management System (SRMS) accounts.
For the second time in UG’s 59-year history, the convocation ceremonies will be held virtually for all campuses. Graduands from all campuses will be combined by associated disciplines and faculties.
The graduation dates are as follows: On February 4, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry; Faculty of Engineering and Technology; and the School of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation will have their graduation. On February 5, the Medical Sciences, Behavioural Sciences and Research faculties will have their graduation and on February 11, the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Faculties of Earth and Environmental Sciences, and Education and Humanities, and the Institute of Distance and Continuing Education – Degree and Diploma Programmes –will have their graduation on February 12.
This year, several new academic programmes will see graduates for the first time. These include disciplines such as Associate of Science – Petroleum Engineering; Bachelor of Science – Accountancy; Bachelor of Science – Entrepreneurship; Bachelor of Science – Marketing and Bachelor of Science – Supply Chain Management and Bachelor of Science – Environmental Science.
Logistics and details will be shared directly with prospective graduands via UG’s internal SRMS and official graduation website @ https://uog.edu.gy/convocation-2021.
The annual graduation exercises are a highlight on the University’s calendar of institutional events, since they provide not only an opportunity for celebrating the efforts of students, lecturers, families, and supporters, but for stirring graduation speeches from valedictorians and high-profile keynote speakers.
Like the 2020 graduation, events this year will be even more special since the University administration is consistently underscoring that the great resilience displayed by students to complete their degrees in very difficult circumstances of COVID-19 deserves to be richly applauded and celebrated.
A record number of attendees are expected this year, since – owing to the online nature of the events – there will be no limit to the number of invitees who can join the proceedings.