Overtaking, speeding vehicles can be banned from using DHB

The management of the Demerara Harbour Bridge Corporation has issued a stern warning to motorists that could lead to the ban of vehicles caught overtaking or speeding on standard two-way traffic crossing.
In a notice issued on Friday, the DHB management said that of recent it has been observed that there is an increase in vehicles overtaking and speeding on the bridge.
Management also reminded drivers that this is a violation of Rule No Four of the Bridges’ Rules for Vehicular Traffic, which states: “No unauthorised stopping, parking or overtaking of vehicles shall be allowed on the Bridge.”
This action, the DBH management said, has resulted in an increase in both minor and major incidents on the bridge, as such, drivers and riders are urged to immediately stop this practice and to observe the speed limit and other rules and regulations.
“Failure to comply may result in a ban from transiting the Bridge,” the notice warned.
Other rules to note are the DHB’s speed limit, of 32 kilometres or 20 miles per hour, as well as the maximum weight limit allowed on the bridge, 18 tonnes per normal crossing between 04:00h and 22:30h, and 24 tonnes for special crossing between 22:30h and 03:30h.
Drivers have been strongly encouraged to familiarise themselves with the comprehensive set of rules and regulations governing their use of the bridge or visit https://harbourbridge.gov.gy/bridge-rules.