Pakuri residents concerned about sale of alcohol to children

Residents of the Amerindian Mission of Pakuri, including members of the Guyana Police Force, are calling on the relevant authorities to enforce the law against shop owners who wantonly sell alcohol to underage children in the community.
In a collaborative outreach between the Chamber of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Women and Gender Equality Commission on Saturday, residents complained bitterly about the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages by children.
Concerned residents and members of the Police Force have said that alcohol is being sold at free will to youngsters even when the young people are already intoxicated. “The GRA will do good to come in here and see what is happening, because the shops are not licensed, they are selling alcohol without the necessary licence,” it has been declared.
To a lesser extent, it was disclosed that domestic violence and incest are occurring, especially when fathers and husbands are drunk.