Home Letters Pandemic provides time for investigating and preparing
Dear Editor,
Your editorial of October 28, 2020, “Noise Nuisance”, is a most welcome addition to the ongoing public discussion regarding the illegal emittance of music and other noises – e.g. from motorbikes and ATVs – which the Environmental Protection Agency warns endangers our health.
However, the EPA, and citizens like myself who have spoken out about this public scourge, are continuously ignored and not only by the Guyana Police Force who would be hard put to bring any charges against the greatest offenders.
They do go after and harass those creating noise nuisances at wedding houses, birthday parties, or rum shops but dare not touch the “big ones” which include large corporations like Banks DIH, the Mayor and City Council and the Guyana Government itself, both PPP/C and PNC/R administrations.
These are the untouchables that sanction and give permission for the raucous, sprawling brawl that is Mahsramani and Carnival both of which have parades that pass through residential areas of Georgetown and which are accompanied by illegal decibel levels of music that go on all day and night.
Your editorial asks us citizens to “make a conscious effort to abide by the laws and guidelines set out by the Government.” That’s all well and good but how about the Government itself abiding by the country’s laws and guidelines?
Your editorial’s just concern about the current COVID-19 pandemic as it relates to illegal gatherings and noise levels is relevant but so have all the complaints about the annual barrage of bacchanalia that is Mashramani been relevant, and with no alleviation in sight.
I have written ad nauseam about this issue for years and have forwarded alternative routes for these parades that would take them through the city centre and away from any residential area. My suggestions have all fallen on deaf ears.
With a new, young Minister of Culture in place, perhaps, we can hope for some positive change. I would be quite willing to meet with him to discuss alternative parade routes. The pandemic provides time for investigating and preparing for changed routes that would be to the national good and well-being.
Ryhaan Shah