Panko Steel Fabrication Golf Tournament set for today
— intense competition expected
The Lusignan Golf Course will come alive today as the Panko Steel Fabrication Golf Tournament is staged.
LGC President Pur Persaud standing alongside sponsors and members of the LGC
Reportedly, there will be featured much fun in the sun as, for the first time in almost a year, a golf tournament can be played.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many sporting disciplines have been forced to cease activities, but being one of the few COVID-19 compliant games, golf has made the necessary breakthrough, and fans can now enjoy healthy fun while following the COVID-19 restrictions.
This tournament will tee-off at 09:00am, and the format will be 9 holes, better ball. Non-members can participate, but must pay green fees ($2000 for 9 holes) and tournament fees of $3000.
To avoid congregating (against COVID-19 guideline) participants must come in early, thus giving themselves adequate time to pay the relevant fees, collect score cards, and proceed to their respective tee-off areas in preparation for a prompt 9am start (sound of the horn would indicate start of play).
In this format, both partners will tee-off and then decide which player’s ball is in a better position to continue from. They will both play from that position, and continue like that, choosing the better ball until they hole out. Handicaps will be a quarter of the combined pair (A-10, B-15) total 15+10=25; 25/4=6.25 HC for the pair will be 6. Participants must ensure that their score cards are properly completed and signed.
The first-place prize is a $20,000 voucher redeemable at the club, along with $40,000 to be paid to a charity selected by the winner. Second-place prize is a $15,000 voucher together with $30,000 being paid to a charity of choice; while third-place prize is a $10,000 voucher along with $20,000 being paid to a charity of choice. Trophies accompany all these prizes.
The 4th and 5th positions attract trophies as well as $5000 vouchers, as do the NTP winners. Moreover, $10,000 would be awarded to the pair with the lowest gross.
The Lusignan Golf Club is hoping that everyone would come out and participate in the tournament, and enjoy a great game of golf.