Parika needs to be made into a town

Dear Editor,
It was so nice to hear the Minister of State at the Parika flag raising ceremony. He said lots of good things will be done for Parika: the road from Parika to Goshen will be done, the Parika T&HD Stelling will be repaired and lots of other good things to follow, but he did not say when will it start. We hope it’s not after 2020 elections.
Parika needs to become a town, because everything passes through here. Places like Bartica, its riverine areas East and West of the Essequibo River, Leguan, Wakenaam, Hogg Island, Fort Island, Morashee, Bonasika, Essequibo Coast, Pomeroon and more.
(1) Parika needs a small cottage hospital with doctors and nurses –
cases like these, maternity, snake bites, malaria, trees fell on persons, mining accidents, shooting, chopping, that’s just to name a few. Sick cases have to wait so long for an ambulance to take them to the West Demerara Regional Hospital or the Georgetown Public Hospital.
A small hospital could be very useful until help arrives. A regular doctor and nurses to assist in emergencies, also the people of Parika and environs would benefit. A Government ambulance and a hearse should be stationed at Parika cottage hospital and a small fire station is also needed.
(2) If you are travelling with your truck or car going to the islands, Essequibo, Bartica etc, it’s a big hassle with the traffic to get to the stelling or to the scale. The road space is too narrow.
(3) Parika is in need of a television station to serve the above mentioned areas because to place an advertisement for death or birthdays etc is very expensive and time consuming to travel from those remote areas to make these things possible and the signals will be stronger in these remote areas. People farming in the backdam, to residents all around, they will enjoy television.

Winston B Miller
Parika Outfall, East
Bank Essequibo