Parliament resumes GuySuCo probe

The Parliamentary Committee system will for the first time resume its work since coming out of its annual recess and will immediately set up about continuing with its probe of the beleaguered Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo).guysuco
The probe is being undertaken by the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Relations, Chaired by Minister within the Finance Ministry, Jaipaul Sharma and includes Vice President Carl Greenidge, Agriculture Minister Noel Holder, Junior Natural Resources Minister Simona Broomes, Jennifer Wade, Bishop Juan Edghill and Komal Chand.
The resumption of the parliamentary probe comes on the heels of Minister Holder’s tabling of the company’s annual reports from the past five years in the National Assembly on Friday last.
The parliamentarians in the Committee meeting are expected to continue consideration of the report of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the state of the industry that had been ordered by President David Granger.
The report was laid before the National Assembly and copies circulated to both sides of the House.
The CoI into the state of the local sugar industry was initiated weeks after the Coalition Government took office in May 2015. This decision was taken as it sought to ascertain the true nature of the industry’s economic and physical condition.
The work of the Committee had been brought to an impromptu halt earlier this year after Opposition members complained that Government was in fact implementing decisions outside of the recommendations made in the report.
One such decision was the closure of the Wales Sugar Estate.