Paul Slowe faces criminal charge for breaching anonymity of sexual assault victim

…to appear in court today

Retired Assistant Police Commissioner Paul Slowe is to be arraigned in court today (Friday) to answer a criminal charge detailing that he breached the anonymity of a complainant in press reporting.

Retired Assistant Police Commissioner Paul Slowe

The charge stems from Section 62(3) of the Sexual Offences Act, Chapter 8:03, which protects the identities of individuals reporting sexual offences.
The case originated from a complaint filed by a female who had previously reported being sexually assaulted by Slowe. Following her complaint in regard to the disclosure of her identity in press reports, the police said, that a thorough investigation was conducted;
upon completion of which, the investigative case file was forwarded to the Chambers of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for legal advice.
The Chambers of the DPP returned the file on Thursday with instructions to proceed with a criminal charge against Slowe. He is thus expected to be arraigned in court today.
The Minister of Human Services & Social Security had on Wednesday emphasized the importance of safeguarding the identities of sexual offence complainants in order to ensure their protection and encourage victims to come forward without fear of public exposure.
The Guyana Police Force (GPF) had, in August 2024, said it was investigating another serious allegation made under the Sexual (Offences) Act of Guyana by a female against Slowe, who in October 2021 had been slapped with three counts of sexual assault charges committed on a female.
It has been reported that between March 26 and April 2, 2019, and between March 29 and April 2, 2019, at Police Headquarters in Eve Leary Georgetown, Slowe allegedly sexually assaulted a senior policewoman by rubbing her left leg and foot without her consent. He was released on $350,000 bail after being charged.
The status of that case was unknown at the time of this publication.