Full statement issued by the People’s Progressive Party on Paul Slowe’s claims
It must be now evident to all that Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon and the APNU/AFC are desperately attempting to gain some type of approbation with the international community after destroying their credibility and whatever semblance of relationship which existed by their five years of constitutional violations, their refusal to accept defeat by a No-Confidence Motion, and their vulgar attempt to rig the 2020 National and Regional Elections. For these atrocities, they were roundly condemned by the international community and responded with indecent and vitriolic abuses and insults.
Recently, every time an occasion presents itself, they make a public appeal to the international community.
The latest such appeal follows Mr Paul Slowe’s dishonest attempt to implicate President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali in some constitutional wrongdoings.
Mr Harmon and the APNU/AFC would like Guyanese and the international community to forget about the blatant attempt by Simona Broomes to direct the Public Service Commission to halt promotions of public servants upon the instructions of former President David Granger. Legal proceedings were filed and Attorney General Basil Williams consented to an Order before the then Chief Justice that the letter constituted political interference with an independent, constitutional tribunal in contravention of the Constitution.
They would also like Guyanese and the international community to forget that Carvil Duncan, Chairman of the Public Service Commission was summoned to the Office of the President by President David Granger and Joseph Harmon and threatened that if he does not resign; there would be ‘blood on the carpet.’
When Duncan challenged the attempt to remove him from office, Attorney General Basil Williams threatened the Judge who was hearing the case in open court, causing the legal proceedings never to be determined.
Harmon and the APNU/AFC would also like Guyanese and the international community to forget that he, Harmon, wrote to the Police Service Commission on behalf of President Granger, instructing the Commission to halt Police promotions. Again, it is a matter of public record that Harmon’s letter was challenged by court proceedings and a different Chief Justice ruled that he was guilty of violating the Constitution by politically interfering with an independent constitutional body.
So Harmon and the APNU/AFC should be the last to speak about these matters. His outpourings therefore, constitute hypocrisy, duplicity and the shedding of crocodile tears.
As for Mr Slowe, he is alleging that the President attempted to influence him in a conversation since last year but kept that a secret and perhaps, no one would have heard about it, had he not been slapped with a $10,000,000 fraud charge along with a charge for sexual assault.
This gentleman who now presents himself as a paragon of virtue saw nothing wrong in receiving millions of dollars from the Guyana Police Force while he is the Chairman of a constitutional commission, wielding disciplinary powers over the very Force.
This same gentleman is being accused by an Assistant Superintendent of Police of attempting to sexually assault her in his capacity as Chairman of the Police Service Commission.
Clearly, in the face of these very serious allegations, Mr Slowe has become a desperate man.
President Mohamed Irfaan Ali has already rejected these allegations. They are simply without merit or credibility.